H2G2 Addiction

Post 1

Researcher 93445

Addicted? Me? Just because I'm posting here less than a minute after Lil created the place?

Naw. You must be thinking of someone else.

H2G2 Addiction

Post 2


Well that could be me, though I have only been on line for 8 hours today...I'm slacking LOL.

H2G2 Addiction

Post 3


I'm going to kick the habit. smiley - fish
No, really. smiley - fish
One of the key principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and similar anti-addiction groups is the idea of "one day at a time". You don't promise that you'll never indulge in your addiction again, because that would be too daunting. You simply say that you won't indulge TODAY - and then renew the promise to yourself daily.
With that in mind... well, here we are, one hour and 47 minutes into a new day in Britain. Today I will NOT log on to h2g2! I will not delight in creating silly little smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish! I will NOT take part in discussions so vast that they have to be transferred on to a page of their own!
I will NOT...

(Light of realisation slowly dawns)

smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

Oh bugger.

H2G2 Addiction

Post 4

Researcher 93445

Next time you feel the need to make such a promise, why not wait until 11:55 PM or so? Work up to those full days in small lumps.

H2G2 Addiction

Post 5

C Hawke

mmmm. nice place 'Lil, nice pizza, and for breakfast as well....now this is my problem, we just did the "normal" thing here of putting the4 clocks back for winter, this means I wake up "earlier" than normal and think mmm Quick internet access whilst the states are asleep and student haven't returned to their halls yet..... and so log on, still in my nght attire.....is that a problem?


H2G2 Addiction

Post 6


No - rest assured - totally normal behaviour. I've just finished my Ready Brek whilst catching up on all last nights postings - I haven't quite been able to eliminate sleep from the formula yet.

Actually, I had to get up at 6am to do my college work that I should have done last night (um, wonder what stopped me doing it then) and also to give myself enough time to pop up here before nipping off to work...

Um ready-brek pizza - my favourite.

H2G2 Addiction

Post 7


Hey this is good, now we have at least three forums dedicated to us addicts smiley - smiley

What has been described seems normal to me so can we just get down to business of ignoring what happens outside and making small talk between ourselves.

Oh yes as for that keyboard thing that was going on in the other thread, I'm in the UK, typing on a US keyboard (well I've never seen a UK keyboard on a Sun smiley - smiley)


H2G2 Addiction

Post 8


I am addicted!

I don't want to leave!

I don't want to sleep!

I want to work for TDV! smiley - smiley

H2G2 Addiction

Post 9


I must confess something. Firstly, that I am a H2G2 addict, and secondly - and I hope you won't hate me for this - but I don't like pizza! Not even virtual stuff. smiley - sadface Please don't ignore me or bar me from H2G2 forever, because I couldn't live without this place, never being able to go into the F&F again would kill me!

H2G2 Addiction

Post 10

Dancing Ermine

Not surprising really, I can't stand the stuff either. So even if no-one else will talk to you, I will.smiley - smiley

I'm still addicted, this is my fourth addicts forum that I am posting to and there's one more to go. That's four conversations that I have to catch up on every day. I can't risk leaving here for more than 24 hours I'd just be left behind.smiley - smiley

H2G2 Addiction

Post 11


I know how you feel. I need to reply to every message, no matter how obscure. I need to read every forum. I need everyone to write a really silly message on my home page. I need to write!!!!!

H2G2 Addiction

Post 12

Dancing Ermine

Don't we all? See I'm doing it here as well.smiley - smiley

H2G2 Addiction

Post 13


Me too smiley - smiley

H2G2 Addiction

Post 14

Researcher 93445

Writing is, after all, one of the basic human needs. I think it comes right between "food" and "a comfy couch to watch television from".

H2G2 Addiction

Post 15

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hi My name is ArchBishop Marv, and I'm an addict. I have been posting while I should be working for about four months. Wait h2g2 is a good thing! Hey everybody, I'm an Addict, do you want to be an addict too?

H2G2 Addiction

Post 16

Dancing Ermine

I would admit to being an addict but I think I have done that several times already...

What the hey, you've given a better reason than most for admitting it and it won't do any harm...

I AM A H2G2 ADDICT!!! And proud of it tosmiley - doctor

H2G2 Addiction

Post 17


Here Here....lets not worry about addiction, worry about the phone bills insteadsmiley - smiley

H2G2 Addiction

Post 18


Here, I've been at my job for 1 1/2 hour and what have I done?
Working? Noooo!
Logged on to h2g2? Yessss!
My name is Birthe and I am an h2g2-addict. Can I have some pizza now?

I have some choccolate chips cookies, help yourselfs.


H2G2 Addiction

Post 19


Chocolate chip cookies smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

H2G2 Addiction

Post 20

Dancing Ermine

Cookies are good!!!smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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