A Conversation for BB NaJoPoMo
Bluebottle Started conversation Nov 29, 2019
Yesterday my daughter was unwell – she's not been herself for a few days, not sure whether it was something she picked up at the party at the weekend, or at school
, but she's not slept properly for a few days and has had a temperature
and was so lethargic that there was little chance of her doing well at school. So I had the day off to look after her, so a day of watching Christmas films (including the 1966 'The Grinch') and snuggling on the sofa, though I did a spot of drawing my Nativity cartoon too. (I've drawn 20 pages so far and Mary's just met
When my wife arrived just before 4pm I dashed out and cycled to the town centre; Thursday's the first day in my week when I can go to the shops, you seem what with nammettimes being taken up by singing and games and I had planned to pick up some cheap Christmas cards. I'm not ashamed to say that I do buy really cheap cards for people – rather than spend money on cards I spend my time making people a Christmas Crossword.
I also popped into the shoe repair shop. My daughter wore her plastic 'Frozen' watch that she loves to the party, but the strap had broken when the springbar had popped out – and of course she hadn't told us that she'd lost the springbar until after we'd left the venue. So Thursday was the first opportunity I'd had to get the springbar replaced. I was only an hour outside in total, popping into the co-op on the way home to get some .
When I got home my wife told me that my daughter had said that she'd missed me when I was gone as she'd wanted a cuddle – which was very sweet – and her face really lit up when I gave her the fixed watch.
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