A Conversation for Ask h2g2
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Baron Grim Posted Apr 26, 2017
Cassini dives between Saturn and its rings, then takes a selfie.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Baron Grim Posted Jun 13, 2017
Play a game of buggy cricket.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Pink Paisley Posted Jun 13, 2017
31 and my hands are sweaty and I have carpal tunnel syndrome.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jun 13, 2017
25, and a laughing Elektra. She likes the mole...
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Pink Paisley Posted Jun 13, 2017
149 (greatly assisted by the fielders being snails). NOW can I go to bed?
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Pink Paisley Posted Jun 14, 2017
Oh dear. I'd forgotten about this game until I loged on here when I got home from work.....
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... Posted Jun 22, 2017
Here's another Google that's guaranteed to swallow hours ....
*hope this works*
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Baron Grim Posted Jun 22, 2017
Here's a better link:
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Pink Paisley Posted Jun 22, 2017
I'm still wasting time with the cricket. Struggling now to break 100 consistently but love the all run 4s to short square leg.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Baron Grim Posted Jun 22, 2017
Yeah, the cricket was "stickier". This one creates tunes that quickly get on my nerves. It's neat how random clicks can produce a melodic pattern, but with nothing but quarter notes , melodic quickly becomes irritating.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Baron Grim Posted Jun 22, 2017
No, I didn't. That added a couple more minutes to my tolerance of quarter notes. "Local Natives" seems to add a bit of tempo variety to it, but even that pales quickly.
Now, I guess I should try the cricket again...
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Baron Grim Posted Jun 22, 2017
A new high score... of 83. Oh, well.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Pink Paisley Posted Jul 13, 2017
I haven't slept for 3 weeks.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Baron Grim Posted Jul 17, 2017
And it's back for the Women's round.
I upped my best to only 95. I missed an easy change-up.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Pink Paisley Posted Jul 17, 2017
267. ONE short of my previous best AND there were overthrows that didn't get counted.
It ended up being a day / night / day / night game.
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
Pink Paisley Posted Jul 28, 2017
266!!!!! Bludding, bludding, bludding.
And I'm convinced that I have developed a late cut so late that the ball passes between the middle and off stump and I hit it from behind the stumps.
Key: Complain about this post
OMG - have you seen the new Google Doodle?
- 1021: Baron Grim (Apr 26, 2017)
- 1022: Baron Grim (Jun 13, 2017)
- 1023: Pink Paisley (Jun 13, 2017)
- 1024: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jun 13, 2017)
- 1025: Baron Grim (Jun 13, 2017)
- 1026: Baron Grim (Jun 13, 2017)
- 1027: Pink Paisley (Jun 13, 2017)
- 1028: Baron Grim (Jun 14, 2017)
- 1029: Pink Paisley (Jun 14, 2017)
- 1030: Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... (Jun 22, 2017)
- 1031: Baron Grim (Jun 22, 2017)
- 1032: Pink Paisley (Jun 22, 2017)
- 1033: Baron Grim (Jun 22, 2017)
- 1034: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jun 22, 2017)
- 1035: Baron Grim (Jun 22, 2017)
- 1036: Baron Grim (Jun 22, 2017)
- 1037: Pink Paisley (Jul 13, 2017)
- 1038: Baron Grim (Jul 17, 2017)
- 1039: Pink Paisley (Jul 17, 2017)
- 1040: Pink Paisley (Jul 28, 2017)
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