A Conversation for The h2g2 Word of the Day (Discontinued)

Pleonasm & Zyzzyvas

Post 1


Behold, some more delightful words:

bohunk - n. an unskilled labourer

calceate - v. wearing shoes

caseate - v. to become cheesy

chevy - v. to chase about
(So Chevy Chase is definitely repeating himself)

coryza - n. a head cold

foofaraw - n. excessive ornamentation

hircine - adj. pertaining to a goat

izzard - n. the letter z

laager - v. to form a defensive encampment

lulu - n. something remarkable

oeillade - n. an amorous look

pleonasm - n. the use of needless words

ponce - n. a man who solicits clients for a prostitute

ptyalism - n. an excessive flow of saliva

quidnunc - n. a nosy person

rakehell - n. a man lacking in moral restraint

siffleur - n. an animal that makes a whistling noise

skookum - adj. excellent

thanatos - n. an instinctual desire for death

tittup - v. to move in a lively manner

tittuppy - adj. shaky; unsteady

umbles - n. the entrails of a deer

wheeple - v. to give forth a prolonged whistle

zyzzyva - n. a tropical weevil
(if you can get that one on the Scrabble board I think you win)

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Pleonasm & Zyzzyvas

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