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Missed the boat
hellboundforjoy Started conversation Nov 3, 2014
Sadly, I forgot about NaJoPoMo until it was too late to start on time. I'll put it on my calendar for next year.
Missed the boat
hellboundforjoy Posted Nov 3, 2014
I will try to read other people's journals anyway.
Missed the boat
Deb Posted Nov 3, 2014
Other people have started late. Your journals were interesting last year so I'm sure no-one would mind if you played catch-up.
Missed the boat
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Nov 3, 2014
Yes, please do! I really enjoyed reading your journals. I don't think it matters whether you start a bit late.
I think my problem will be keeping going for the 30 days.
Missed the boat
hellboundforjoy Posted Nov 5, 2014
OK, Youse talked me into it. I've set up an "A"page, and will be journaling there so as not to clog the feeds of my non-participant friends. Here it is: A87842893.
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Missed the boat
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