This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

Summer is ended

Post 1


My myriad flock of visitors have flown back north. Now I have the space and the quiet in the house to resume my writing. The pace has been somewhat frenentic during the summer months here.

My Czech student friends, though not living with me, have spent a lot of time at the house. I managed to find them all accommodation and in return they have been most helpful, clearing the garden, cooking for us a couple of times and looking after the house and dog while we went to the festival.

Seb (son's friend and our former lodger) brought his girlfriend Kaite to stay and they have camped in the garden most of the summer. Son has been staying weekends. He is a popular lad. A fine musician and songwriter. When he is here all his 'local' friends come round to see him and have a jam session.

Shame his twin sis has not made it down this year. Will have to journey to York soon to see her.

Other daughter and grandson pop in sometimes and youngest daughter who turned thirteen at the beginning of the hols has done that transformation thing that girls do in the third year of school and become a bit of a tearaway. In her death metal teeshirts and baggy jeans she denies that she is wearing a uniform!
She has been hanging out in the park every day with a band of about fifteen similarly attired mates and spending all her pocket money on bizarre jewellary from a hippy shop in town.

The production of Dad's Army last month kept me busy and another production The Golden Pathway Annual, is going on next week. That has been a bit of a nightmare. Two cast members dropped out a couple of weeks ago and last monday the leading man decided he did not want to do it. The lighting man has stepped in and is frantically learning the lines.

I started my volunteer job as a reading helper to three six year olds at a local infants school last week. I absolutely love it. If this year with them goes well and I am still standing at the end of it I am thinking about training as a classroom assistant next year.

What has all this to do with Get Writing?

Well, with all this going on over the last few months I haven't! Got writing that is. Only a couple of poems and mini stories. Now that I have the house to myself again for most of the days in the week I hope to rekindle the pile of ashes which is my ambition and muse and start to produce some work.

This post was mainly waffle and does not require you to answer!!!!!!

Summer is ended

Post 2


I'ts morning here. I love waffles sometimes. Welcome Spider!!

Can I have a hug please.

Post 3


Another social services meeting tomorrow to determine the strategy on the care of my grandchild. I am feeling physically sick about all this. Some of you might be aware that my daughter and her partner have a drug problem and that the partner has compounded the concern of the ss by his criminal behaviour.
On sunday the little one was ill and had to go to hosp. He has cystic fibrosis and was wheezing badly. He is ok now.

I have been on the phone to a solicitor for nearly an hour this afternoon.
Yesterday I was in Boots collecting a prescription for anti depressants for myself . I have not taken them for about two years but due to all the recent stress my depression has returned with a vengeance.
There was a queue of people waiting to take their methadone. I became severely stressed and not quite sure how I made it home without throwing up.

The only things keeping me going at the moment is knowing I have to help my daughter fight to get this man out of her life and keep her son.....and......this place GW. I tend to bury my head here and in my writing when things get too much for me to thik about.
So... a hug would be nice.
spideysmiley - wah

Can I have a hug please.

Post 4


smiley - hug and a smiley - smooch


Can I have a hug please.

Post 5


See smiley - biggrin my shoulders went down and my face smiled. Ta ML.

Can I have a hug please.

Post 6


smiley - smooch

smiley - choc? smiley - cake? smiley - ale? smiley - bubbly?

smiley - magic


Can I have a hug please.

Post 7

the fat gardener

Dear Spidey,

You sound like a lovely, lovely lady. We all love you! Keep your head up despite all the stress and worry. You seem a well organised and strong person - I'm sure you must be a force to be reckoned with on the side of your daughter and grandson.

smiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerup FG.

Can I have a hug please.

Post 8

Lovely Lenore

smiley - hug and a smiley - smooch too.

Sent you a mail on Yahoo....

Thinking of you and wishing I could come up with something to say or do that would help wipe these problems out of your life...

smiley - cheesecakesmiley - cheerup lynz

Can I have a hug please.

Post 9



I put my head to your chest and it's there, that relentless little heart of yours, I can hear it! I put my hand on your solar plexus (you know, tucked right up in the middle above your belly and close to your ribs, where sad feelings and blows sometimes nestle) and give you a Big Shoop Shoop of steady flowing reinforcement.
I would give you more but am at work and have to change work stations.

smiley - hug

Can I have a hug please.

Post 10



Can I have a hug please.

Post 11


Will be thinking of you and sending up good wishes.smiley - magic

Hang in there, Spidey. Things WILL get better.

Saralafssmiley - rose

Can I have a hug please.

Post 12


Oh dear Oh dear I am so sorry to hear of your troubles Spidey. I can very easily empathise with you although my troubles are of a different nature. It is hard to be strong as you have to be for the sake of others who look to you for their strength and guidance. There is a wave of thought support flowing from me to you and I hope you can take some support from it. Keep writing, find it helps.

Robbsmiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - cheerup
Sorry I was a bit late on this post.

Can I have a hug please.

Post 13


Am off to the meeting shortly and I carry the strength of alll your support with me. Thankyou.

Can I have a hug please.

Post 14


Good luck and our support and strength go with you.

Robbsmiley - hug

A poem for Ali

Post 15


One of my son's friends (Rob) recently sent this to me in an e mail. It made me cry. I told my son and he said
"But Mum, that's how we all think of you."

It kind of balances out the probs I have with my daughter.


The stranger never took rise
She slaved away
And made us smile

The stranger never lied
She sought to teach
But never pushed us away

The stranger never fell to rage
We tested her
But it never worked

The stranger never cried
We know she did
But we never spoke

The stranger took us in
She loved us like her own

The stranger feels alone
But she maybe doesn’t realise
That the stranger is our saviour

She will always be right next to us

The stranger isn’t a stranger at all

She is the mother of the unstrung
We will love her to the end

She is the old lady of our lives

And she will be loved forever by us all

(You are always right next to us Ali) x

A poem for Ali

Post 16


I can see why. Grabs you round the throat dosen't it?


Thought for the day

Post 17


It makes me as angry as hell
and I can’t look away,
I can’t look away.
Bodies in the dust
Rubble and blood
and the ghosts are screaming
United now in sorrow,
they know but have no voice.
Terror and fear
Bullets and bombs
and I can’t look away,
I can’t look away and
It makes me as angry as hell.

Thought for the day

Post 18


Would that we could stop this hell,
Would that we could weave one good spell,
Would that we had just three wishes,
Away with war that's the first of my dishes,
After that it's for ploughshears not bullets,
Then we'll have fifty more wishes!
Would that it wasn't owt but a dream,
Would that it was a reality theme.

Robbsmiley - cuddle

Thought for the day

Post 19


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing"
If anyone knows the author of this, please tell...
yes it is a barbarism...but still we "go through channels". Please Spidey I won't suggest you expunge your anger, it shows you are alive and aware! But as you work in your own sphere to teach love to those you know, please don't forget that your ripples are effective all over the world (chaos theory sure comes in handy in a world of chaos)
Hi Robb, nice pome
smiley - injured
smiley - cuddle

Thought for the day

Post 20


'parently it's Edmund Burke bless'is cotton sox

hi SB!

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