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Perfect Christmas Playlist
summerbayexile Started conversation Dec 21, 2014
I pride myself that I have a certain ability to put together playlists. For me, the perfect playlist shouldn't be jarring, moving from uptempo to ballad and back again with no thought for the overall effect on a party. For that reason, a lot of the Christmas albums I have can be irritating. Last Christmas I decided to do something about it! I looked for inspiration to my musical heartland of the 70s and 80s, the heyday of the Christmas song and mixed in the old favourites with some more obscure tracks.
Open up itunes or spotify or take your own CDs as I did and make up the following playlist as the perfect backing to your Christmas party with my compliments. Let me know what you think if you do use it.
Merry Christmas Everybody - Slade
I Wish it could be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard
Another Rock'n'Roll Christmas - Gary Glitter
Merry Christmas Everyone - Shakin Stevens
Wombling Merry Christmas - The Wombles
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree - Kim Wilde and Mel Smith
Wonderful Christmastime - Paul McCartney
Stop the Cavalry - Jona Lewie
Last Christmas - Wham
Fairytale of New York - Pogues and Kirsty McColl
Do they know it’s Christmas – Band Aid
2000 Miles - The Pretenders
The Power of Love - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
A Winter's Tale - David Essex
The Christmas Song - Gilbert O'Sullivan
Lonely This Christmas - Mud
I Believe in Father Christmas - Greg Lake
Merry Christmas Darling - The Carpenters
Happy New Year – Abba
Perfect Christmas Playlist
SashaQ - happysad Posted Dec 21, 2014
Wot no Queen?
Sounds good indeed - uptempo enduring classics to start, and then moving to slower ones that are not so often played. I haven't heard of some of the songs in the list, but I'm pleased to see Frankie Goes To Hollywood there - The Power of Love is my favourite song for this year
Perfect Christmas Playlist
summerbayexile Posted Dec 21, 2014
I love Queen, but Thank God It's Christmas doesn't bother the festive charts year after year for a reason! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the playlist if you use it and I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Perfect Christmas Playlist
SashaQ - happysad Posted Dec 21, 2014
Queen's Winter's Tale is lovely, but yeah Thank God It's Christmas isn't often played on the radio at this time of year...
Merry Christmas to you too
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Perfect Christmas Playlist
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