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Linking Haikus, the Renga form

Post 1


Japanese linking poems, renga, are a form of haiku where the first part is written in syllable counts of 5-7-5. Then, a response is written (by someone else, please smiley - doh) in syllable counts of 7-7. THEN an answer to the response is written in syllable counts of 5-7-5 where the whole thing repeats itself until people tire and return to the four-word post. (winkeye)

The form:

smiley - bluefish (first player)
To communicate (5)
Is more than sounds and gestures (7)
People are the root (5)

smiley - sheep (second player)
Put love into all your words (7)
Or hollow shells are revealed (7)

smiley - cat (third player)
Embraced by mankind (5)
Vacant animosity (7)
Without compassion (5)


Some history, by Jane Reichhold:
In the 9th - 12th centuries, Japanese poets competing in contests revived an old Chinese form by linking tanka poems together in a novel way. The poem was "broken" in half so one author wrote the 5-7-5 part and another responded and finished the poem by adding his (mostly men did this though it was first done by a woman!) 7-7 part. Instead of stopping there, someone else wrote a new 5-7-5 poem to "answer" to the previous 7-7 link and they named the genre renga -- meaning linked elegance. This proved to be so much fun poets were soon writing poems of 1,000 and even 10,000 links.

Linking Haikus, the Renga form

Post 2

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

please put this at 'ask h2g2' smiley - grovel. it looks great smiley - smiley

btw are there any other rules for haiku apart from the syllables?

Linking Haikus, the Renga form

Post 3


The link I provided has *all* the rules. I think what your getting at has to do with style. To me, since it's poetry, it really is a free-for-all for style. A good suggestion is to try to "ask [yourself] if there [is] a comparison, a contrast or an association between the images and if this relationship [is] clear and understandable." And also it is good to achieve a "break" between each line, so the pause is automatic.

Thanks for the suggestion on the locale for this! smiley - mouse

Linking Haikus, the Renga form

Post 4


You step in the stream
But the water has moved on
Seek the project here:

F19585?thread=263654 alt="smiley - mouse" title="mouse" class="smiley" src=""/>

Linking Haikus, the Renga form

Post 5


Hi Kea,
I just re-read my response to your question, and it seemed a bit negative. I apologize, I said *all* because there are a bajilliontrillionmillion or so. For the sake of sanity, I avoided all but the most important rule, 5-7-5 7-7 (which really is only important to beginners. smiley - doh) Like I said, lots of rules. But, that's no reason not to have fun with it. I hope everyone enjoys it... smiley - esuom

Linking Haikus, the Renga form

Post 6

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

thanks Mikey smiley - ok. i'll attempt a response when i'm a bit brighter (only capable of the smiley - silly posts right now, of which i seem to be currently subscribed to quite a few....)

smiley - sleepy

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