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20.5.2018 - Towel and Sack

Post 1


This week's Sunday activity was running the Netley 10K, a 3-lap 10K road race that unlike other smiley - run awards finishers not with a medal or technical T-shirt but with a smiley - towel, so that's this year's Towel Day prepared for.

Afterwards our running club had its annual Whitsun family picnic and Sports Day. I won the Sack Race, was the only bloke to qualify for the final of the Skipping, coming 2nd or 3rd (very close finish) and was absolutely lousy at the smiley - chick and smiley - spork.


20.5.2018 - Towel and Sack

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Congratulations! smiley - bubblysmiley - towel

I used to quite enjoy a skipping session myself, as I was the go-to person for holding one end of the rope and always enjoyed watching the skills of my friends - I'm impressed by your skills also, to make the top 3 smiley - wowsmiley - ok

20.5.2018 - Towel and Sack

Post 3


First past smiley - thepost again well-done mate smiley - bubbly

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