A Conversation for Phantasy Phootball 2008-09

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 1

Mu Beta

Getting there...

Only six teams without a full complement, now, although the selection policies of several managers does puzzle me when there is good Phantasy talent on the sidelines.

So, as quickly as you can: Alfredo, Andy G, Bubba-fretts, Egon, Nirv, and Rich. Then we can get this business wrapped up by midweek, leaving me plenty of time for the prediction thread and some assorted Phantasy punditry.


Round 3 bidding complete

Post 2

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

I think you may have mis-typed my bid for Kuyt.

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 3

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

While we're at it smiley - snork can you please remove the extraneous 'e' from Mr Petrov, please smiley - smiley

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 4


Looking at the team lists, has Julio Santa Cruz, the 18-year-old Blackburn Reserve really been bought for £7m? When his elder brother, the clubs star striker Roque, only cost £6m? Does Mr Pink Paisley realise which one he's bought?

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 5

Pink Paisley

No. I had no idea at all. I haven't heard of half my team.


Round 3 bidding complete

Post 6

Pink Paisley



Round 3 bidding complete

Post 7


smiley - laugh

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 8

Pink Paisley

Not knowing half of the team didn't seem to be a handicap for Sven G-E at Man City a couple of seasons ago when he was hugely successful (by Man City standards) before being sacked for not being hugely successful by Man Utd standards.


Round 3 bidding complete

Post 9

Mu Beta

Ah, I see the ribbing has started.

Still waiting for bids from Bubba-fretts, who appears to have counting-up-to-four issues, and Nirv.


Round 3 bidding complete

Post 10

Mu Beta

By the way, is anyone else having problems seeing the THREADFORUMINTRO marquee properly in Firefox 3? For me, the little chap only makes it a quarter of the way down the 'pitch' before disappearing.


Round 3 bidding complete

Post 11


Firefox 3? The little chap's probably dying of shame & embarassment.

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 12

Icy North

Googling firefox and marquee retrieves 360,000 hits, so you're probably not alone!

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 13


Unlike Man City's chairman at the moment.

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 14

Secretly Not Here Any More

I dunno, isn't the next step to take a hit out on Mr Shiniwatsit?

Round 3 bidding complete

Post 15

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

It's not just you, B, the poor little chap seems to be having problems here too - unlike Martin Petrov smiley - winkeye

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