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One Million Masterpiece
Lady in a tree Started conversation Jul 14, 2006
Just posted this on Ask the H2G2 community...
The One Million Masterpiece
I have just joined in with this exciting project! You make a donation (min £3.50) to one or all of the chosen charities and you get a little square to draw in! (You can keep going back and editing your image.) You will become a world record holder too!
Go on - have a go! It opens officially tomorrow but you can register today.
From the site:
When printed the One Million Masterpiece will measure 80 metres wide by 31 metres high. Made up of one million unique images it will be unveiled on July 11th 2007 as a symbol of global unity.
Quite a few celebs have joined up already including Holly Johnson and JK & Joel from BBC Radio 1!
What fun!!
One Million Masterpiece
azahar Posted Jul 14, 2006
Off to check out your Ask thread as no doubt this will be where more people will be taking part.
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One Million Masterpiece
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