A Conversation for LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Peer Review: A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 1


Entry: LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it. - A858611
Author: BradGuth - U206251

This entry is about "TRUTH", not NASA's version.

If BBC can't deal with that, then so be it.

If others can help to edit and/or publish this topic in a format that least offends those willing to bet the farm upon NASA's way of doing things, then I'm open for such improvements. Actually doing such could become a whole lot more so impressive then discovering "life on Venus".

The discovery of "GUTH Venus" is real, it's truth on steroids and the flak has been flying ever since. God forbid, there could be life *NOT* as we might know it, right next door.

Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS / GUTH Venus

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 2


Ok, if you were to put into plain english, why there could be life on venus, with straightforward explanations of planetary conditions and possible life forms then an entry on this subject might be suitable for the guide... However if you read the writing guidelines edited guide entries are supposed to be 'instructive, informative and factual' this is none of the above, it seems just to be publicity for your own website.

Now if you were to put together a logical entry on the possibility of life on another planet - and not just a conspiracy theory - it might be suitable for acceptance into the guide - However, beware, there are a large number of amateur astronomers and some very highly intelligent people here who may not agree with your views - be prepared to back them up with solid evidence.

smiley - cheers

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 3

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think that this entry is anywhere near ready for the Edited Guide. For one, it doesn't make much sense: it isn't particularly well-written. Second, what comprehensible subject matter it does contain is highly contentious. The links to your website don't help either.

I agree with Whiskey. Either rewrite this article so that it corresponds to the guidelines, or withdraw it from PR.

I also think it fair to say that even if it is rewritten it will suffer a severe critical mauling at the hands of those of us who prefer to believe in the weight of accrued evidence and the fundamental integrity of the scientific method. Nevertheless we would still beb interested in what you have to say wihtout dismissing you argument out of hand, so work on how your ideas might be presented to better effect.


A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 4

Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo

Hi guys.

Brad has posted similar stuff on the regular BBCi webboards, and on his websites. Most, if not all of it, is in similarly broken grammar. I get the impression that English is not his first language, so could you be a little gentle with him on that point. Not that I disagree, it does need rewritten.

Brad, on the content side, could you be more specific about the sources of your data, and the way in which you draw your conclusions?

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 5

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Having read his website I think he is American, so English would probably be his first language. I don't want to put him off contributing, but I do think he needs to adapt his stream-of-consciousness style so that it would work better on h2g2. He probably has something very interesting to say, regardless of whether or not I agree with it. But it's difficult to work out what his arguments are.


A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 6

Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo

Well, OK. Sorry if I insulted anyone smiley - grovel

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 7

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Believe me, after the week I've had, any untoward comment you might make would be a drop in the ocean.

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 8


aw, Felonius, chill there, smiley - smiley

I read this entry and clearly it is not ready for the EG as it stands.

Personally, i don't think the author knows what the EG *is*, never mind intended this to go in it. smiley - erm

Brad, you there? smiley - smiley

you do seem to have something on your mind. A certain planet... life thereon...

but if there is life on planet Brad, please respond to some of the comments on this thread and let us know what you want to do with this entry.

If not, i'd say it probably should be left to sit out the waiting period somewhere near the bottom of the PR lists before the man with the pointy stick does the honours. smiley - sadface


A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 9


oh, and i forgot to say...

thanks for the unforgettable phrase "UV Death-Ray laser cannons"

smiley - ok

i shall be using that in the future, smiley - biggrin.

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 10

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

What the phrase, or the weapon itself? Where can I get one?! smiley - winkeye

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 11


"60 Watt phase plasma rifle."

"Hey, just whatcha see, buddy."

smiley - biggrin

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 12

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Can't place the dialog.

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 13


"Uzi 9 meellee-meetah."

"Hey, you can't do that..."

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 14

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

'I'll be bock'....

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 15


and he was!

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 16

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

smiley - huh


smiley - star----------------bzzzzz------------>

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 17

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

After having had a glance at Guth's conversation list and the tripod page linked from the entry, I can't help getting the impression that this is just an advert for someone's made-up theories.

Please tell me that I'm wrong, or (otherwise) how about seconding to have it moved back?

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 18

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman


A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 19

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Thirded. smiley - ermsmiley - cake

A858611 - LIFE on Venus, perhaps, most likely not as we might know it.

Post 20


I think that Brad knows there is life on Venus because he must be from there. No one on Earth unfortunately understands a word he is saying.smiley - smiley

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