A Conversation for Guide ML for your Personal Space
going mad?
Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit Started conversation Apr 13, 2003
Am I going mad I got here from the Guide ML page and thought I was looking at Guide ML for your personal space. The content seems to match up with what I was expecting but the headings dont. Now I am confused as to where the error lies. Page titling or page linking
. I will come back when my brain is better able to cope
Lots of good stuff in here though
going mad?
The Snockerty Friddle Posted Apr 13, 2003
No you're not going mad, well probably not anyway, the page was originally written as a guide to how to copy the Guide ML from other pages but though it was pointed out that much of it would only be allowed on your personal space and not in guide entries, I never changed the title. Hope you find something useful in there though.
going mad?
Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit Posted Apr 13, 2003
One of those pages I hadn't got round to reviewing.... I will give it a good going over this week
I like it though lots of good stuff.
Ooh you're right about the mad comment - to add the 'probably'.
going mad?
SEF Posted Apr 16, 2003
Hi there. I didn't know if you wanted any help with your entry. So in the end I decided to butt in anyway.
You might note that digibox users apparently don't get to see the different FONT FACEs. Unless you mention it they'll panic or get aggrieved when their code doesn't appear to work (even though other people can tell them what it looks like or they can login at the library etc to check).
I think you should have included the paragraph tags and even though most people seem to get away without them. If they were already in there somewhere then I'm obviously going mad too...
going mad?
The Snockerty Friddle Posted Apr 16, 2003
Help most welcome, I've not used a digibox so I had no idea.
I'll sort something out for this bit tomorrow at w*rk
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going mad?
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