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Ok so when your about 11 12 13 us girls always want to look older! But when you are older you want to look younger so what is the point? Is it that were 13 goin on 30 or 30 going on 13? Wouldn't it be best to just to stick with your age? The problem is we're never satisfied with anything. For instance when you have straight hair you always want curly or wavy hair or when you have curly or wavy hair you always want straight. Somehow the human race is never satisfied with what they have and always want something they don't have. Its the same with boobs loads of people want breast implants to make them bigger but poeple who already have big ones want smaller. The problem is the world is just offering better oportunities and more things people can do, but if you get soemthing done whats the point if in a few weeks there will be something better to get done. Maybe it would be best to stick to what we have and stop complaining about what we don't have and maybe I think we'd have a happy world.

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