A Conversation for C.P.U - Crazy People United

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 1

Wilma Neanderthal

Picture the scene:

High ceiling, big windows - it is FREEZING in here....

The large old student desks have lift up lids and have initials scratched into them.

The chairs are hard and uncomfortable.

At the end of the room is a big scary desk piled high with books. On the chair is seated the Dragon Lady of the Detention Room:

smiley - dragonSr Philomena Maria Magdalena, RSJC, INRI, ASCII, LINUXsmiley - dragon

On the black board behind her in BIG lettering:

*SILENCE at ALL times*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 2


*peeps in*

*looks scared. runs out*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 3

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

*Edges in slowly and cautiously*

*Peers around and sits down at a desk sheepishly*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 4

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - dragonSr Philomenasmiley - dragon

*looks up*

*glowers at Ducky most menacingly*

*points at pen and paper on the desk*

*looks back down*

*gets on with her SuDoku*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 5

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

*Picks up pen and begins to write out lines*

I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.
I will not do my homework.

Done miss.

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 6

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - dragon Sr Philomena smiley - dragon

*looks up*



*gestures to the door*

*goes back to her SuDoku*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 7

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

smiley - run

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 8


you should hire the dragonqueen for that role ma wilma! She would b eperfect!

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 9

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - dragon Sr Philomena transmogrifies back... smiley - cat

slinks down off the chair*

*trots over to Ducky's desk*

*picks up Detention sheet*

*pads over to the litter tray*

*shreds the paper in*

*pads over to the radiatior*

PRRRR smiley - zzz

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 10

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

Awww, kitty.

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 11

Wilma Neanderthal


The Saturday Detention Room

Post 12

Winter - Formerly Plastic Rock Chick

*looks in and sees Ducky, geustres to desk and to cat*
*whispers* is she asleep?

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 13

Wilma Neanderthal

*cat stretches lazily and stares at Rocky Chick for a minute*

*cat slinks off the radiator and pads off to find a mouse*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 14

Winter - Formerly Plastic Rock Chick

opps sorry *creeps in and grabs backpack**runs out*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 15

Wilma Neanderthal

Once more, then smiley - cross

Picture the scene:

High ceiling, big windows - it is FREEZING in here....

The large old student desks have lift up lids and have initials scratched into them.

The chairs are hard and uncomfortable.

At the end of the room is a big scary desk piled high with books. On the chair is seated the Dragon Lady of the Detention Room:

Sr Philomena Maria Magdalena, RSJC, INRI, ASCII, LINUX

On the black board behind her in BIG lettering:

*SILENCE at ALL times*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 16

aka Bel - A87832164

*Peeks in. looks at wristwatch. Sighs with relief* It's Sunday *dances* smiley - disco

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 17

Winter - Formerly Plastic Rock Chick

*joins in*

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 18

aka Bel - A87832164

*grabschicky and does a silly dance with her. smiley - disco
smiley - nahnahs to teacher *

smiley - runs

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 19


*joins in too*

smiley - smiley

The Saturday Detention Room

Post 20


<Starts throwing paper aeroplanes around the room smiley - biggrin

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