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This page will slowly become my Guide Entry on Tenjiku Shogi, one of the many variants in the Shogi family of games. Please post any comments, questions, etc. on my personal space rather than here until this message is removed. Thanks :)

  16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 White
A \ L /\ N /\ FL/\ I /\ C /\ S /\ G /\ DE/\ K /\ G /\ S /\ C /\ I /\ FL/\ N /\ L / A
B \ RC/ \ Ch/\ Ch/ \ BT/\ Ph/\ FK/\ Ln/\ Ky/\ BT/ \ Ch/\ Ch/ \ RC/ B
C \ SS/\ VS/\ B /\ DH/\ DK/\ WB/\ Fi/\ FE/\ LH/\ Fi/\ WB/\ DK/\ DH/\ B /\ VS/\ SS/ C
D \ SM/\ VM/\ R /\ HF/\ SE/\ BG/\ RG/\ VG/\ GG/\ RG/\ BG/\ SE/\ HF/\ R /\ VM/\ SM/ D
E \ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P /\ P / E
F     \ Dg/      \ Dg/     F
G                  G
H                  H
I                  I
J                  J
K     / Dg\      / Dg\     K
L / P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \/ P \ L
M / SM\/ VM\/ R \/ HF\/ SE\/ BG\/ RG\/ GG\/ VG\/ RG\/ BG\/ SE\/ HF\/ R \/ VM\/ SM\ M
N / SS\/ VS\/ B \/ DH\/ DK\/ WB\/ Fi\/ LH\/ FE\/ Fi\/ WB\/ DK\/ DH\/ B \/ VS\/ SS\ N
O / RC\ / Ch\/ Ch\ / BT\/ Ky\/ Ln\/ FK\/ Ph\/ BT\ / Ch\/ Ch\ / RC\ O
P / L \/ N \/ FL\/ I \/ C \/ S \/ G \/ K \/ DE\/ G \/ S \/ C \/ I \/ FL\/ N \/ L \ P
  16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Black

The Pieces

Pieces are flat, wedge shaped, and all the same color. Symbols, typically kanji characters, are printed on the faces of the pieces to identify them. Players tell their pieces apart by which direction the wedge is pointing, your pieces point toward your opponant.

The King (K) - Moves exactly like a King in chess, one square in any of the eight directions. Does not promote.

The Rook (R) - Moves exactly like a Rook in chess, any number of unobstructed squares horizontally or vertically, stopping if it lands on and captures an enemy piece. Promotes to the Dragon King (DK, or R+), which moves like a Rook, but can also move 1 square diagonally.

The Bishop (B) - Moves exactly like a Bishop in chess, any number of unobstructed squares diagonally, stopping if it lands on and captures an enemy piece. Promotes to the Dragon Horse (DH, or B+), which moves like a Bishop, but can also move 1 square horizontally or vertically.

Pawn (P) - Can move one square directly forward only, and captures in the same manner that it moves. Shogi pawns do not move forward, but capture diagonally as chess pawns do. Promotes to a Tokin (T, or P+), which moves like a Gold General (see below).

Lance (L) - Moves any number of unobstructed squares straight forward, stopping if it lands on and captures a piece. Promotes to a White Horse (WH, or L+) which not only can move any number of unobstructed squares straight forward, but also diagonally forward and straight backward.

Knight (N) - Jumps to a position two squares forward, then one square lafet or right. This is similar to the 'L' shaped jump of a chess knight, but whereas a chess knight has 8 possible squares it can jump to, the shogi knight only has two. Promotes to a Gold General.

Gold General (G) - Can move one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally forward. Does not promote.

Silver General (S) - Can move on square diagonally, or straight forwards. Promotes to a Gold General.

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