Immorternity - Chapter 2: The Summoning
Created | Updated Mar 17, 2023
Immorternity - Chapter 2: The Summoning
Chapter 2 - The Summoning
Ava was woken up by a stray ray of sunlight that had managed to find the small gap between her otherwise light-tight dark purple velvet curtains. She yawned and stretched before dropping back on her pillow with a satisfying crunch. Still kind of fuzzy, she realised that pillows shouldn’t crunch at all. Said crunch did have a papery component to it.
With closed eyes, Ava’s hands explored the surroundings of her pillow until she found something sticking out from underneath it. She extracted a big makeshift envelope fashioned from old newspaper cuttings. Her name was spelled out on it with cut-out newspaper headline letters. Some came off and drifted to the floor, to be eaten by the high-pile carpet next to the bed. (Not really, but you know what I mean). The slimy glue or whatever had been used to stick those letters to the envelope, produced a rather unpleasant organic scent and was hard to wipe off Ava’s fingers. Failing to do so, Ava went on to open the envelope. It contained a leaflet from the pizza joint around the corner. Great! Now what?
Turning it over, the blank back side was apparently used for a letter. It looked pretty official, so Ava took it to her desk and opened the curtains a bit to get a better look.
This is what it said:
The explorers from Vega, represented by their Leading Entity - (Plaintiff)
Humanity, represented by Ava Pearez and Associate (a.k.a. Little Brother) – (Defendant(s))
Galactic action No. 2025RX13F
Ava Pearez and Associate (a.k.a. Little Brother)
42 Eden drive
Oxford, UK , Terra
A lawsuit has been filed against you. (!)
Within 5 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day before you received it) you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under rule 2676 of the Imperial Rules of Galactic Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are:
The leading Entity
Anywhere really, but the Multicellular organisms research facility specifically would be a good starting point
Oxford, UK, Terra
If you fail to respond, judgement by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.
Date: Today
PS: For the complaint, please read the attached paper.
PPS: Bring some slices of bread for the Supreme High Justice, preferably without poppy seed on top.
Weird, thought Ava. I now just have to determine which is the weirdest weird of all before freaking out on it…
The paw print signature? The slug slime glue? The summons as a whole? Where’s the attachment anyway? Why me? My little brother… really!?
Before she got to properly rate and order the weirdness, her mom called out for breakfast, so she stuffed everything in the bottom drawer of her desk and went to the kitchen to wash her hands.