A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second: A Game of Two Halves
Art of falling apart
Paigetheoracle Started conversation Jul 20, 2018
Hmm...Cambridge had an arts theatre too but I don't know if it is still there or not (haven't lived there or visited for over twenty years). I remember watching Aguirre, Wrath of God there and a Jacques Tatti film M Hulot goes on Holiday (not impressed - a bit Tatty). I also saw a film about Wilhelm Reich and his theories about Orgone energy and cloud bursting technology (a victim of the establishment if ever there was one).
Art of falling apart
Paigetheoracle Posted Jul 20, 2018
Oh by the way I saw the first half of the match but not the second - who one?
Art of falling apart
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 20, 2018
Thank you for warning me about this film that will no longer be visible in theaters within 3,000 miles of me. In its American run, its total box office was about $46,000. If filmgoers paid ten dollars each to see it, that would mean 4,600 people saw it in the U.S. or an average of 920 people per state.
But U.S. audiences gave it a 6.4 rating out of 10, which is not bad.
Given the choice, I would not have seen it, nor would have been watching the sports event. Probably "Hotel Transylvania 3" or something like that. It's inscrutable how Adam Sandler, who is so terrible in almost everything else (except when he's playing against Drew Barrymore) could be so perfect as Dracula.
But I don't want to steal your thunder. I don't know about caper films of the 70s, but Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor made a few funny ones in the 80s. I liked the recent "Tower heist," though Ben Stiller is another actor who rarely finds the right role for his rather limited talent. His closest cinematic equal would have been Buster Keaton.
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Art of falling apart
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