A Conversation for The Novels of Bret Easton Ellis


Post 1


im a very big ellis fan, in fact i had read all of his books by the time i was 14...i was wondering if u know if he has nething new in the pipeline?? i love his writing style, he never writes solely in the first person from one perpestive...its kinda like watching a tarantino movie.....american psycho remains the only book to have ever made me phsycially sick...


Post 2

Jane Bane

you're way ahead of me, i didn't start reading him til after i saw the movie of american psycho. glamorama was my favorite, i'm really looking forward to the movie. but definitely a strong reaction to american psycho too, it's intense stuff.
seems like i heard there was a new novel coming but, well, he's a writer so i'd say we can expect one sooner or later... in other words, i don't really know.

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