A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who.

Post 1121


Ben Kingsleysmiley - laugh

Ok, is it just me or could anybody else hear the sound of drums a couple of times? I may have been listeming with my hopeful ear again but....

Dr Who.

Post 1122

The Groob

I think it's a safe bet that the master is lined up for next series. Looking forward to Moffat with the reins; I'm hoping he'll go for a slightly darker Who than Russel I-fart-a-lot-and-hey-I'm-gay T Davies. DT won't be going yet..the BBC is bursting to get a black Doctor but they'll have to wait a while yet.

We're slightly concerned that Who could start relying on turning back time to resolve problems a la Superman 1. Almost be as bad as "If we get everyone on planet earth to think "DIE DALEK!" together they will all die".

I think the doolally dalek said something like "Death is coming for the most loyal companion". Interestingly worded, that. I'm thinking Cribbins is going to die. He's uberavuncular and utterly likeable and every time he's on screen I think of the Punt/Dennis sketch "Dead!"

Dr Who.

Post 1123


Is that supposition or based on fact?

Dr Who.

Post 1124

Pink Paisley

OK. What if, the regeneration thingie goes wrong and we end up with one of the old doctors again? There are plenty of them still living to choose from.


Dr Who.

Post 1125

The Groob

I think it's fairly likely Dot.

Actually, at the last regeneration of Ecclestone to Tennant I suggested it would be interesting to see past Doctors involved in the regeneration and someone pointed out that this could confuse younger viewers. (Personally I'd love to see Pertwee feature somehow as a nod to the past.)

Dr Who.

Post 1126

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

"(Personally I'd love to see Pertwee feature somehow as a nod to the past.)"
Via Derek Acorah presumably

Dr Who.

Post 1127

The Groob

Via CGI or a lookalikey presumably.

Dr Who.

Post 1128


I think that it was something like "Unending death for the most loyal companion" - weird turn of phrase.

For some reason, I think that the regeneration is going to turn the Doctor into the monster...the challenge being to reverse this AND beat the Daleks...

Seemed like Davros wanted all the "Children of Time" in place for a reason.

Dr Who.

Post 1129

The Groob

The other possibility we're toying with is that Donna goes back to the library and gets to spend eternity with the kids being their mum. What about that? They kill her off with a tearjerker but somehow the doctor gets her back to the library. It would have to be that the doctor still knows she's 'alive' at the library - and is the only one that knows - but to other characters would assume she's dead as normal which is why they keep often saying prophecies along the lines of "ooh sorry, it's not looking good for you".

Dr Who.

Post 1130


DT's not leaving!!! He's not! I know it. He said so!!!


There'll be some twist. Like the daughter, and the teleport pack thing Martha had. Sorry if it's been said before, but wasn't going to trail through 75 posts.

Dr Who.

Post 1131



I think this last ep is going to have like some huge twist to it. Because time's screwed up anyway cause Rose is back (and that technically shouldn't happen) What's to stop him regenerating as he is (like if you restart a computer-for wont of a better comparison)?

Dr Who.

Post 1132


My theory is that there'll be something to keep him the same. Like someone going back and getting that Dalek first and changing history so he won't get shot.

Seems a bit of a shame that after all these years, one Dalek finally got him and it wasn't even a battle. Has to be changed. Like when Donna stepped under a lorry to make her earlier self turn left.

Why is it anyway that the baddie always brags and leaves the good guy to die by shark/piranah/lazer/bomb or whatever instead of just shooting him? Happened to the Doc and 007 *all* the time.

Dr Who.

Post 1133


The Doctor got shot by a Dalek. oh no. not the 10th smiley - wah

Dr Who.

Post 1134


I know!!! smiley - wah Have a smiley - towel to dry your eyes. He'll be ok. I just know it.

Dr Who.

Post 1135


yeah it's rubbish isn't it?

I hope they don't forget to give him a cup of smiley - tea this time

smiley - biggrin

Dr Who.

Post 1136


Oh I know. smiley - tea works wonders. I want to make DT a cup of smiley - tea at my house!!!

Dr Who.

Post 1137


Yeah but to get to Ireland he'd have to go from London so he'd have to stop off for another cup somewhere else... smiley - evilgrin

smiley - rofl

smiley - tea

Dr Who.

Post 1138

Mol - on the new tablet

Thanks for the transcript, Bright Blue Shorts smiley - smiley


Dr Who.

Post 1139


Ooooo, Kaz!! Well I suppose you could come with him on his flight from Luton airport?? Well, that's if he doesn't fly smiley - tardis.

Dr Who.

Post 1140


smiley - blush

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