Hubert Parry:English composer

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Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry[1848-1918] was one of the foremost British composers of the late Victorian/Edwardian era. Born into a well-to-do family, he was educated at Eton and Oxford and graduated in 1870 with a MusB. degree, whereupon he took employment with Lloyd's Register of Shipping. However, he had already started to publish songs and chamber pieces in the 1860's and by 1880 his work had gained a considerable reputation, his F major piano concerto and the cantata 'Scenes From Prometheus Unbound' being particularly popular.

Having established himself as a major force in British music, he was knighted in 1898. He accepted an invitation to join the Royal College of Music at its foundation in 1883, becoming director of that institution in 1894, where he remained until his death in 1918. He was also Professor of Music at Oxford from 1900 to 1908.

Parry's reputation continued to grow; not only as a composer, but also as a teacher, historian, performer and writer. His strong personality, immense charm and high artistic standards helped to make him a leading light of the late 19th century's 'English musical rennaisance'. Sadly, his music suffered from the 1920's reaction against Edwardian music and has only recently enjoyed a small revival.

Stylistically, Parry's music stems from Brahms and Schumann with additional influences from Wagner,Bach and Handel. In Parry's hands, this combination of influences produces a music which is reminiscent of Elgar's whilst retaining an utterly distinctive character all its own.
Nowadays, Parry's best known work is his setting of William Blake's 'Jerusalem'. However,there are many other works that deserve a wider audience. Some of these are listed below.

SYMPHONY NO.3 'The English'
Composed during 1888 and early 1889, this symphony provides an English equivalent to Schumann's 'Rhenish' symphony or Mendelssohn's 'Italian' symphony.

Premiered at a Philharmonic Concert in 1897, this work comprises a masterly set of 27 variations very much in the same vein as Brahms' 'Haydn' variations.

Completed in 1894, this suite represents a translation of the traditional Baroque suite into the idiom of the late 19th century.

Composed at the same time as the Third Symphony and revised in 1910, the Fourth Symphony is arguably Parry's masterpiece.

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