A Conversation for Silver Sword - The Sand Castle (Heroville)
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge Posted Aug 5, 2006
[Jack] It depends freind, the city's main priority at the moment is to build an army. Once an armed force is made we shall consider defencive mesures. Prehaps when we have finished building the army we will build a few Catapults.
[Jack] (to sharp but hearable by the king) And i must ask, would it be posible for you to make an oil that burns for defencive perpoeses? we could use that with a catapult to make a sort of Fire bomb i suppose. this would be helpful in defeating any oponant army. we would also need a fair few Crossbow men and Longbow men. Ah that gives me an idea, how about flaming bolts? drowse a cloth in flamible oil, tie it round the bolt and fire? all these things need considering. For if we are to make war, we will need ways of attacking and defending with our army.
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 Posted Aug 5, 2006
[King Michael] Excellent!
*gives Jack Thunderbolt a sack of coins*
[King Michael] Use this gold to hire soldiers! Nerd42
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge Posted Aug 5, 2006
[Jack] thank you sire, i will get strait on it.
*leaves ballroom and heads to the Inn*
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Thorn Posted Aug 6, 2006
[Sharp]: "I don't see any why not, just yet..."
*Is quietly thrilled with the chance of a little R&D*
"Maybe if it were hollowed out spheres of something... Hmm..."
*Puts it on his project list*
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Thorn Posted Sep 1, 2006
[Sharp]: "Defense plans your Majesty. On a new type of trebuchet... and trial-version of a tri-pult siege engine. Ran into a few problems on the latter one though. Too much thrust on the load half; it off-balances the base kind of. On the other hand, Irrigation seems to work out alright in theory. Smaller version worked out in a garden. This is just at a much larger scale,- methinks. I'm not sure though,- what say you oh sire?"
*Hands over a few of the blueprints,- including the large main one.*
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Thorn Posted Sep 1, 2006
[Sharp]: "The ballista will be quite fun. There is one that has been assembled outside. You can give it a try if you like."
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 Posted Sep 6, 2006
[King Michael] Hmm ... if you wanted to give a demonstration, we could make a picnic of it!
King Michael is ... neither inventive nor military-minded. He is a good manager though - he lets people alone to do their jobs. (NPC humor, hahah)
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Anole Posted Sep 8, 2006
(Anole Male Elf Fire Warrior)
I was here earliar just felt like reintroducing myself for my absense</>
[Anole]*wakes up from behind a tapastry and comes out*
"Hello friend Sharp."
*bows to the King*
"Is there a siege happening, King Michael? I will join you, M'Lord. I am a good friend of Sharp here."
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 Posted Sep 9, 2006
[King Michael] No enemies attacking at the moment ... things seem to have quieted down since that one party left to find the lost knights ... hopefully they took the danger with them.
little do they know ...
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Anole Posted Sep 9, 2006
[Anole]: Well, I'm at your service, M'Lord.
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Thorn Posted Sep 9, 2006
[Sharp]: "Ah,- hello then to you Anole. Anole and I run a shop together your majesty,- in the business of certain medicines and also some explosives."
(Then to Anole) : "Do you remember that ballista from my workshop in back the other day? Large-scale crossbow, yae. Was wondering if'n we could show it to King Michael outside maybe then,- perhaps a bit later."
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Anole Posted Sep 11, 2006
[Anole]: Are you talking about the one that was suspended by chains from the ceiling? The same one that fell on me the other day because of poor quality blacksmithing?
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Anole Posted Sep 11, 2006
[Anole]: It wasn't damaged, but my head was.
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 Posted Sep 11, 2006
[King Michael] Say ... (addressing Anole) I think Captain Jack could use a warrior like you. Why not sign up for the military, or just the reserves? Nerd42
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Anole Posted Sep 12, 2006
[Anole]: I'm at your service to command, M'Lord.
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Thorn Posted Sep 14, 2006
[Sharp]: "Ah, yes. That's the one,- sounds like. Sorry about your head then. I should have sought out LeRue to do it proper... but for being in such a hurry to get into the advanced stages of construction. Oops. One of these days we ought to get a horse or a mule and a wagon... to help carry things to and from market or for bringing larger things to the smithy when need be. It would help speed things up a bit, maybe- do you think?"
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Anole Posted Sep 15, 2006
[Anole]: A couple of ox also. And don't hang anything heavy from the ceiling again. It realy hurt.
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
Thorn Posted Sep 15, 2006
[Sharp]: "Agreed. Okay, sorry about that."
*then sort of thinking to himself*
: Means later on I'll probably have to set two halves of trapdoors to the floor outside,- at that _spot. It would protect the ornithopter prototype from the harsher elements maybe. Hmm...
Key: Complain about this post
Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom
- 281: Thorn (Aug 5, 2006)
- 282: Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge (Aug 5, 2006)
- 283: The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 (Aug 5, 2006)
- 284: Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge (Aug 5, 2006)
- 285: Thorn (Aug 6, 2006)
- 286: The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 (Aug 9, 2006)
- 287: Thorn (Sep 1, 2006)
- 288: Thorn (Sep 1, 2006)
- 289: The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 (Sep 6, 2006)
- 290: Anole (Sep 8, 2006)
- 291: The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 (Sep 9, 2006)
- 292: Anole (Sep 9, 2006)
- 293: Thorn (Sep 9, 2006)
- 294: Anole (Sep 11, 2006)
- 295: Anole (Sep 11, 2006)
- 296: The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42 (Sep 11, 2006)
- 297: Anole (Sep 12, 2006)
- 298: Thorn (Sep 14, 2006)
- 299: Anole (Sep 15, 2006)
- 300: Thorn (Sep 15, 2006)
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