A Conversation for Silver Sword - The Sand Castle (Heroville)

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 261


[Sharp]: *Puts his head down, whereupon his hair flops down*

"Um, nevermind... I was planning on setting out for a treasure hunt. Yes, the money would do fine."

*Turns to face the old man and readjusts the monocle/moves hair out of face*

"You may come along too, if you like."

*Is holding the two-handed shovel*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 262

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Old geezer] No, young thingymummem, the last time I saw an Easter Egg was back in the old version they released back in '96! Shareware, it was. Downloaded it off a BBS.Best title ever to come out of Apogee. Or was it id? Ed? Uhh ...
*has an "old folks disease" moment*
[Old geezer] what was I talking about? smiley - huh
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 263


[Sharp]: *Gets a sly idea*
"Why,- you were just getting into about treasure hunting - I think."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 264

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Old Geezer] Yessir! Treasure Hunter! Those were the days. Took off into the uncharted 10x10-grid jungle after the treasure! If ye were lucky enough to find teh map, ye could see the treasure! But it was much better to find the "8" binoculars. One character (the number eight) it was. Showed the location of the Tiger! Didn't want to run into him! Or else your smiley - smiley smiley face would be DEAD! DEAD DEAD DEAD! That's old-school for ya!
ever play Donkey Kong Country?
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 265


: Yes. That'd be influenced off of Cranky, now wouldn't it? *Thorn wonders who Funky might be then... Honest Bjorne's catapult ride?? smiley - skull

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 266


[Sharp]: "I have a map of my own to find-somewhere"
*Thanks 'the grandad' for the money and exits*

: Have you everlistened to the old dubbed B&W The Seven Samurai, that's how they chose to translate elder... smiley - laugh

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 267

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - erm nope never heard of it smiley - cheers

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 268


: Thus Thorn's allusion/Analogy gets deflated. }punctured & slowly escaping air-balloon noises{ Oh. It has some pretty neat action sequences in-it, for an old movie made in the 1950s (I think it was). Akira Kurosawa was the director, but maybe I spelled his name wrong. *Shrugs*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 269

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Old Geezer] smiley - senior weasel!! smiley - sillysmiley - senior
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 270


smiley - lurk
[Sharp]: *Under his breath (& thinking out loud)*
"Just let the old-man, to think what he wants..."
*Walks out*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 271

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - laugh its almost like they made the smiley - senior smiley just in time for me to use with that character. smiley - rofl

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 272


: The smiley - tongueincheek would've been a Godsend a few days ago. I was making fun of totaliarians and extremists in satire, and forgot to mention that it was one, so people had started to ask if I was sane on the journal thread... smiley - dohsmiley - footinmouth

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 273

Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge

(Jack Thunderbolt Male Terren Lightning Warrior)

*enters ballroom and bows to the king*

[Jack] Sire, I hear you are in need of warriors? My name is Jack Thunderbolt and I am a warrior from a distant land. I have come here in seach of work, and have heard that your majesty needs a Head of the Gaurds, am i right in assuming this position is still open?

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 274

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

(minor note: the old geezer left)

[King Michael] Why, yes it is! I'm looking for people to fill the position of "Captain of the Guard". The pay is good, and the work fit for a good warrior. You could do the work yourself, or you could delegate / hire other people to do it for you, if you can't be everywhere. The duties include, but are not limited to:

1. Defending the Royal Family.
2. Defending the kingdom.
3. Obeying orders, first from the King, then from the Royal Family.
4. Building a strong military attack force so that the King has soldiers ready if he decides to go to war.
5. Respecting and upholding the honor of the Quavian Holy Knights insomuch as they deserve it, while not becoming a member of that order yourself.

[King Michael] The fourth one is very important: the Quavian Holy Knights have ... special powers, that are different from those of regular mortals. They give fealty not to Quavia itself primarily, but simply to what is right. The Captain of the Guard is somewhat of a check-and-balance so that the Knights are not tempted to use their powers to get power over the whole kingdom ... but that's all irrelevent when we haven't got any Holy Knights left ... except poor old Sir Jeffery.
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 275

Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge

[Jack] hmm... an intresting preposal indeed.

*looks around*

[Jack] I belive i am fit for the position, however, may i ask you how large a force you need? if an army, then yes, that should be easy. however i would also like, if i may, to have my own team of Warriors and Wisards. For, although i have much time upon my hands, i still wish to quest.

I do not mean to make terms, sire. but as long as i am allowed to continue to quest, i will accept the position.

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 276

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[King Michael] Oh, um, sure. I mean, if you manage your soldiers well enough to enable you to take a vacation or whatever, that's fine. Long as the townspeople don't get attacked or become lawless, you know? I'd kind of like to know in advance if you're going to be gone for an extended period though so I will know to ask somebody else if I need something I would normally goto you for, and um, yeah did I mention your position is also the sherrif of Heroville until you hire a sherrif? The military and police forces are basically united.
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 277

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[King Michael] you ought to get a second in command pretty quickly if you want to go on quests and things, so he'll be able to be here when you're gone ... don't you think?
You could also use the SEP (somebody else's problem) field to be in two places at once if you want
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 278

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Oh, smiley - sorry I'm acting like Sharp/Thorn used to when I'd get annoyed with him today. I also need to say, the King is likely to actually send you out on quests once in a while anyway - to wars and things
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 279

Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge

[Jack] Ah, all is well! I accept.

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 280


[Sharp]: "Your majesty... When the guard force is assmebled, what of the setting of counter-siege implements?"

(Then to Jack) : "What think you of the idea of catapualts, or maybe a few trebuchet(s)?"

*He looks back and forth between the two of them*
smiley - bigeyes

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