A Conversation for Silver Sword - The Sand Castle (Heroville)

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 241

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

but that will start to change, and probably very soon ...

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 242


: all right, alright... I was just trying to smiley - erm, *shrugs* make a bit of "conversation" <-Note the way it rolls off the tongue strangely (& in quotes). <- That was meant as a joke, you know.
[Sharp]: "While anyway King Michael, thanks for taking the time to allow me to have this bit of a chat with you. Certainly must be a busy guy,-what with having an entire kingdom to run and smiley - erm, I gotta get going, um,-Bye!"
*smiley - runs out going,-"Eeagh! My cauldron's overboiling my cauldron is overboiling!" All the way back to the Rx*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 243

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - wizard*Gandark enters the room.*

[Gandark] *bows respectfully* Your Majesty, if it is still valid, I have decided to accept your offer to become the Royal Court Magician of Quavia, and when I return from this quest I will begin/resume my duties, as I did for your forebears many years ago.

[King Michael] Oh, excellent. smiley - evilgrin You can help me keep those rascally Guild magicians in line. Take your leave, Gandark, and godspeed you. smiley - winkeye
another subplot in the works for after the quest smiley - laugh
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 244

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] You're welcome, Sire.
smiley - wizard*bows again and exits*
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 245


: The Magician's Guild? I signed on there as an Aquatic samurai-ronin named Ecg Unagi whose familiar is a huge eel.

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 246

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Oh, smiley - laugh different Magician's Guild - there's one that's part of this game that hasn't been unlocked yet but will be when it is required for ths story

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 247


: "Ah, I see...(though he(I) clearly does not)." *smiley - laughs*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 248

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - laugh just don't worry about it.

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 249


: Got ya.

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 250


[Sharp]: "Oh come on door guards, let me go in there! Why not?! Why,- I'm His Majesty's Royal engineer, I make things for him _that do things."
"Oh, Alright."

*Is sitting on the front steps because the guards are deciding to be fussy*

"Great. Now how can I tell King Michael about my idea to get a tresure map? Can I at least then speak to one here who is known as Sir Jeff? What do you mean he's deaf? I already know that. Look you... I've invented a new type of ear trumpet too; heck, you can even take it to him if you like"

*Hands it to an incredulous eyed doorkeeper*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 251

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Old geezer] What wat?? a new type of Heir Strumpet?
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 252


: smiley - rofl
[Sharp]: *Uses the trumpet like a megaphone for yelling*
"NO, AN EAR TRUMPET (erm, ok?)."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 253

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Old geezer] A mare muffet?

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 254


[Sharp]: "Oh what's the use?"
*Strikes his own forehead (exaggeratedly) like so*
"Here, let me show you..."
*Inserts the aperture into the old fellow's ear.*
"To demonstrate," he whispers into the other end right near it."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 255


[Sharp]: "No need to thank me; all that I ask for in return is some sort of a map... to go and find buried treasure (Or summat) with."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 256


[Sharp]: *Writes down on a piece of paper and shows it to the old man*
The paper says: A treasure map?
[<- and then has some arrows going back and forth between the question and a ideograph of the ear trumpet.]

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 257

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Old Geezer] treasure map? er ... if I had a treasure, I sure wouldn't be giving away maps to find it with!

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 258


[Sharp]: "Of course not..."
he makes sure to say on the side with the ear trumpet.
"It would be silly to give your own valuables away for nothing, but what of a map... for someone elses, or at least some sort of item in return? Hearing implements don't just grow off of trees."

*Sharp wonders and hopes that this is not what he will turn out to be like when he becomes old.*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 259


[Sharp]: *Sulks on the front steps, trying not to think it had all been pointless.*

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 260

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Old geezer] Er, what's that young Thingymummem? i'd pay twenty seven coins for a new beer strumpet

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