A Conversation for Silver Sword - The Sand Castle (Heroville)

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 221

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

in the future I was planning to someday construct a Royal Airship Fleet yes, but since at the present time there is nowhere for airships to go, and the places there are to go it is /supposed/ to be difficult to get there, i'm afraid airships are out of bounds right now. But save those plans for when there are several kingdoms well established, and then yours could become a very rich character

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 222


: smiley - cool, gotcha. <- smiley - wow/smiley - bigeyes

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 223


: Alliteration attack. smiley - laugh
[Sharp]: (To King Michael) : (Presents some presents to indirectly attest to his ingenuity) :"I have come (back) ...bearing gifts as it were. For Your majesty,- a lifelike scale model of what an actual 'airship' looks like,-in a bottle. For the princess, Your daughter, (I believe her name to be Abigail, is this not correct?), I've a realistic replica of a rose, made of silver, though it might've been better... yet not all of us be made of gold or platinum. Do you like it, and do you think she would like it?"

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 224

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[King Michael] Why, thank you, Sharp! When my daughter returns she'll no doubt appreciate this also. smiley - ok
careful when creating valuable things .... remember what I said about inflation.
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 225


: Right, gotcha. <-Well, Y'see I Had it so that Sharp knows an incantation to turn a flower to lead, and then,-since the dark takeover prevented him from learning any higher/further alchemy, he can take a leaden-rose and occasionally create a (lifelike-in-detail) thin silver-leaf replica.
[Sharp]: "You're welcome Sire."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 226


: Right,-right. smiley - doh
[Sharp]: "Say, King Michael,-I was wondering... You said that you'd fought in a battle campaign during a war against the Orcs, when you were younger right? (Just curious) What sort of weapons did you like to use?"

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 227

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[King Michael] Oh, straight broadswards and lances, definately! You can still see some of them in the Royal Armory. But, I say! We do need a Captain of the Guard still. Any takers???

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 228


[Sharp]: "Alright..."
*Realizes he had forgotten (what with recent events) to continue keeping tabs on the recruitment efforts (Oops, smiley - doh).*
"I'd been meaning to get back to you on that one Your Majesty. I have finalized a much neater (& easier to carry out) version of that 'irrigation system' plan you'd assigned to me (to work out earlier)..."
*Remembers the zany, madcap sidequest (/mini-adventure) that he wishes to a bit later embark on.*
"King Michael... You wouldn't happen to know much about a certain smiley - erm, "Phantom Knight" would you? I've heard word from some -that has led me to believe he may reside somewhere (here within your kingdom),-as a local..."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 229

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - erm dude ... what are you doing? smiley - huh

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 230


: ->See/refer to discussion w/Frogz & Saxdomine over @ the inn earlier.<-

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 231

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

hmm ... I must not be seeing the connection ... I thought this was your unofficial side-quest you were trying to start

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 232


: smiley - doh, smiley - footinmouth-Oh, yeah (that's right), it is (I must've forgotten- how smiley - silly). <-Guess I got a little too into/caught up (/carried away) in how I'm still trying to gather clues (on it) though. smiley - laugh

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 233


[Sharp]: "[I was] Just wondering..."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 234


: <- Right,-right.

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 235

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[King Michael] Haven't heard anything about it.
why the heck do you keep talking to the NPCs?

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 236


: *smacks his own forehead,-on that one.* "Good question..." smiley - doh

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 237


[Sharp]: (To return to that irrigation project) : "... All that's left is to find a grid-map of the kingdom, Your Excellency. smiley - erm that and, to figure out where exactly you'd like to have the irrigation to be put."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 238

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[King Michael] Well, you see, that would require a Royal Cartographer, and to dig trenches would require laborers paid for with taxes, which would require a Royal Tax Collector .... and you see why this is a problem, since my entire cabinet is .... well .... non-existant at the moment.
We need people in government positions in order to take on a massive public works project, you know? And building a wall around the city would take priority, which would also first require a Captain of the Guard, which is priority #1 on the King's to-do list right now .... don't worry, the game will expand. smiley - winkeye
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 239


: Phew. *Makes sigh of relief*
[Sharp]: "In the mean time Sire,-might I suggest to you... that I am (full well) ready to start working on constructing that test/training maze; the one that you and I were pondering about earlier..."

Silver Sword - The Sand Castle Ballroom

Post 240

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

er ... eeh ... ah ... I don't remember that .... dude, run your shop, the King hires people to just do stuff. Right now there isn't much need for a Royal Engineer, as many (OK, actually all) of the more ... main positions haven't yet been filled. I could fill them with NPCs but that would defeat the purpose.

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