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Do you know what a konveniat is?
Simply the gathering of a bunch of mid-aged people trying to boot up long forgotten friendships and lost ties to old school-friends.

I participated in three konveniat's so far...only the last one made an impression on me.
Funny how people turn out to be different after 15 years, without having changed. Did I never notice her beard when I was 15?
I can't remember him like that, he was always Dumbo...and now?

There are some rules to respect for a successful konveniat:
1. do not come too late, you might have missed who's IN and who's NOT
2. do not talk about yourself, you might give away worthy informations
3. never talk about school-notes
4. DO change the subject when it comes to your performances in sports
5. try to avoid sitting in front of your first big love, at least if everybody at the table knows about it
6. ask your first big love sitting in front of you if she's married or/and has children BEFORE you start to launch your love rockets ;-)
7. be cool, you should be the last at the table to be drunk, it's so much more fun
8. don't try to show off...everybody remembers how you crashed down in flames when you tried to be a lover 15 years ago, and they will make you remember it
9. be prepared to find out that your life has not yet started
10. NEVER ASK: "well, who has become what he wanted to be?"...you might find out something you did not want to find out

But most of all, don't be afraid to meet again all those people who accompanied you through the best times of your life. You have something to share, just do it.

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