Are We too Sentimental about Animals?

19 Conversations

A man hugging a crab

Everywhere you look, you'll hear, see or smell something to do with animals. It could be the current crisis of foot and mouth disease sweeping the UK and Europe, the overfishing of the seas or the over-pampered pets of the rich and famous. Animals are the lifeblood of many economies, religions and families, but do we have a tendency to become too sentimental towards our furry friends?

This is not a matter of endangered species, but rather the problem of imposing human qualities and emotions on animals, sometimes lavishing more attention on them than on those people who really need our help. Why should a dolphin force a sympathetic sigh whereas a crab will often cause a shudder of revulsion? Should we keep animals at an emotional distance or should we embrace them with both arms? Indeed, can we strike a balance between the two? Let us know how you feel...

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