A Conversation for Update Headquarters - Closed

Is the Update Headquarters redundant?

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Has the Update Headquarters been completely superceded by the Update Forum? If so, perhaps you could modify this page to say that it is no longer in use.

If not, perhaps you could explain here when someone should use the Forum and when the Headquarters.

Is the Update Headquarters redundant?

Post 2

Jimi X

That's a great idea Gnomon...

I'll get right on that! smiley - run

smiley - cheers

- Jimi X

Is the Update Headquarters redundant?

Post 3

Demon Drawer

Gosh what is this a congress of prolific writers or something.

Is the Update Headquarters redundant?

Post 4


The end of an era, eh? smiley - bubbly

The Update HQ is off to a good start though!

smiley - blacksheep

Is the Update Headquarters redundant?

Post 5

Jimi X

Quite true on both counts!

While it wasn't as fast as I would have liked, we *did* manage to update a few entries along the way eh?

And Jodan, mine's a smiley - stout if you're pouring... smiley - smiley

Is the Update Headquarters redundant?

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on


you deserve that pint.

smiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout

Was it tools or rules that you bent?

Is the Update Headquarters redundant?

Post 7

Jimi X

A little of both actually...

Cheers! smiley - stout

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