A Conversation for September Birthdays
Jim Lynn Started conversation Feb 28, 2002
My birthday is September 27th. And strangely enough, I've met *both* of the researchers who share it.
some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one Posted Mar 1, 2002
Jim Lynn Posted Mar 1, 2002
Yes, IRL. A bit pointless mentioning it if it were only h2g2 as meeting people is rather easier here.
some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one Posted Mar 4, 2002
Yeah it is, isn't it. I've only met one researcher IRL and that was because I was in a computer lab at Uni and noticed the Goo on her screen.
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Aug 26, 2006
Funnily enough, mine's the 27/9, as is pretty much every person I've ever met... A girl on my street, a girl in my class at school, a girl 4 doors down in my halls of residence in my first year at Uni, my GCSE IT teacher, my mate's dog, Meatloaf... The list goes on!
weirdo07 Posted Jan 28, 2007
Nice to meet you, Jim and everyone else born on the 27 September!
Was reluctant to join the list, but as I've been longing to say hello to Jim anyway Hope the kids whose nice picture I saw once on Jim's page are
. My five are no longer that small, but are still kids despite the elder ones being able to lift me off the ground. Regards to Mum Lynn.
o, born on the 27 September.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Jim Lynn (Feb 28, 2002)
- 2: some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one (Mar 1, 2002)
- 3: Jim Lynn (Mar 1, 2002)
- 4: some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one (Mar 4, 2002)
- 5: Secretly Not Here Any More (Aug 26, 2006)
- 6: weirdo07 (Jan 28, 2007)
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