loud speaker design hasnt changed much since its second generation of development.the first designs used paper cones with a stlyus attached at the center.the stlus is placed to move in the field of a horseshoe magnet .small amounts of modulated electrical current are applied by the sound amplifier,thus driveing(vibrateing)the cone.keeping in mind cones(horns)are natural sound amplifiers and speakers are simply electromagnets vibrating a cone..one can see how this evolued from acoustic sound reproducers where vibs generated from the grooves of a recording are transmited through the vibration of the needle in the groove which is directly attached to a stylus which is directly attached to the center of a disc (a simple transponder)footnote. which is placed in the mouth piece of a horn. the first transponders , used in acoustic sound reproduction where flat made of mica the last where cones made of aluminium.voice coils were introduced in 192? replaceing the stlyus and are what is stillbeing used today.a coil makes for amore efficent electro magnetic engine,think of how a coil would move suspended around a bar magnet torwards + when a positive flow of electrons is added,it wouldnt it would be pushedfootnote .proper speaker phaseing means connecting + to the same sides(ends)of the voice coils,to work the coil doesnt care if its wired backwards but doing so will change the polarity of the coil.this is undisireable in multi speaker applications as one cone will be moveing in while another is moveing out thus effectively canceling out sound waves that properly phased speakers would be reinforceing. ;<(((( =<(((( so even if your listening to the latess in digital sound reproduction which has a tendencey to make everything sound way too compressed(dont believe me listen to abbey road on a anolog recording then its counterpart digitaly processed.its not the same,shes so heavyyyyyAAAAAAAAaaaaaa,all that ambient stuff dosnt come accross so well when you start clipping harmonics)your still most likely listening to speakers that really havent changed in design since the 1920s
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