The Cyprus Problem

3 Conversations

Cyprus has a problem. In 1974 the Americans thought it was a very good idea to help Turkey take half the island of Cyprus so that they could build a base there. With a plan up there sleve and a good arms contract from Turkey, Turkey invaded the top half of the island, and tried to put all the blame on Turkey (who wanted to do it anyway). If you're wondering why this happened then we need to be reminded of what was going on around this time.
In 1974 the cold war was at a peak. The USA hated the Soviet Union, and likewise the Soviet Union thought the USA was a waste of space, and therefore lots of arms, soldiers, and artillery were built in the hope that it would scare the s**t out of the opposition. The USA built threatening bases in Turkey, in the hope of scaring the hell out of the Soviet Union, so the Soviet Union just built a few in Cuba for fun. The USA needed a good base in a good place, and after looking through an Atlas, they found Cyprus.
Cyprus is in a very good position in the Mediterranean. It has access to Turkey, the east, and Egypt, which is why the civilisations took it over numerous times in its 7000 year old history.
So, they found the island but they found that the inhabitants of the island would rather buy their weapons from the Soviet Union, but with Turkey right above they decided to let them nick the top half, give them a bit of land for a base, and in return give them a 20% off voucher for some weapons. Turkey then invaded, slaughtered everyone they found in their way, nicked the top half and got the voucher.

At this moment in time 1619 people are still missing from this war. Cypriots aren't allowed to go back and see their homes, their loved ones graves, or return to the places where they were born. And to make things worse for the Cypriots, they invited a load of people to come and live in the Cypriots homes, and to dig up the graves, etc.

For more information on this subject, please visit:
and please support the campaign to free Cyprus.

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