Rocky Horror Picture Show

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Now, many humans are crazy. Others just like being loud, obscene, messy, and dressing bizzarely. For any combination of these traits there is a phenomenon called the Rocky Horror Picture Show. This is an event, centered around a movie by Richard Keith O'Brian, where folks dress up in fishnet stockings, heavy makeup and lengere, gather up various items from around their house, go to a theater, and watch the movie together, screaming profanities, dancing obscene dances, and throwing things. Sounds like good, wholesome fun, right? Right.

Here's what you need to know about attending your first Rocky Horror Picture Show Midnight Showing, from one otherwise average gal:

I. Costume:

Besides the above-mentioned fishnets, here are some guidelines:
**The best thing to do is to leave yourself at the mercy of a friend who has seen the movie. Pick a friend you trust. :)
**If this is not possible, watch the movie before hand and impersonate a character. Virgins (people who have not been to a public showing before) often choose to come as a Transylvanian (these are the guests at Frank's party). You will earn more respect depending on how daring and/or ACURATE your costume is.
**If this is not possible, follow these simple steps:

*If all else fails, wear all black
*Shorts and fishnets are OK; your girlfriends' black panties and fishnets are better
*Go heavy on the bright blue eyeshadow
*Pencil-in your eyebrows with black eyeliner
*Wear deep red lipstick
*A corset and heels makes this ensemble perfect
*Besides black, go with primary colors (red, yellow, blue)
*Wear clothes you don't mind getting wet and dirty!

*A french maid's costume will pass with flying colors as Magenta
*Fishnets, primary-colored short-shorts and heels with a tube top or strapless corset is great for Act 1 Columbia
*Mickey-mouse ears and white striped pajamas makes you Columbia in the second act
*Any SnM-type ensemble will work
*Once again: wear clothes you don't mind getting wet and dirty!
*See the guys' section if all else fails

II. Props:

Bring the following (listed in approxamate order of importance:<p>

1. Newspaper (a few sheets)
2. Squirt gun (loaded)
3. Rice
4. Toilet paper (1 Roll)
5. Flashlight (or lighter)
6. Confetti
7. Toast (a couple slices)
8. Playing Cards
9. Noisemaker
10. Rubber Gloves
11. Bell

You should get someone to forewarn you when and how each prop is used during the production. If you're crazy enough to be going alone and not knowing what you're doing, you'll learn the hard way. (You can also cheat and look up any of the scripts posted online at fan sites.)

III. Initiation:

Be prepared to be humiliated at the beginning of the performance. It's a tradition that each Virgin is pulled out of the crowd and put through an embarasing rite of passage. Nothing terrible, but very funny. You've been warned.


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