Stupid Clever people

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I have been accused of various Machiavellian tendencies over the years by people who can't see that I think mostly in black and white.

Shades of grey elude me more often than I like to admit.

There is a class of people who celebrate their stupidity by being clever about it. I, on the other hand, am accused of being clever but being too stupid to use it effectively. Stupid clever people avoid responsibility, work, and thought by foisting these tasks on others. They will spend more time and money doing as little as possible instead of saving time and money by just doing their jobs and living up to their responsibilities. They think they are getting around the system. Instead they are proving that a system is needed to work around them and meet their needs.

My ex is a good case in point. It took me years to learn that she would rather lie than bother to find out the truth. She will spend fifty dollars to buy a video on how to make millions by putting no money down to buy property that she can then turn around and sell quickly to some unsuspecting soul... I told her over and over that the only one making money was the person selling the video. She would spend hours and days collecting coupons to save pennies and then drive two counties away to visit a store that had fifty cents off on a pound of ham. In order to save gas money, she let the auto dealership repossess the vehicle she had bought, which was too big, too thirsty and too unwieldy for her in the first place, after she went to a used car dealership and bought what she thought was a more economical vehicle, which it weren't. Instead of just sitting down and doing a little research, or asking some real questions, she will take the word of a stranger over anyone who cares for her. She doesn't like to be told no and she will pay for the priviledge of being told yes.

Stupid clever people like immediate gratification.

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