A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 61


I'm having nothing to do with trendy modern eating irons!

*Persists in trying to use the , whether there's a smiley for it or not. From deep inside the toaster there's a


and a rain of powdered smoked anchovy with small metal springs falls.*

There! Fixed it!

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 62


smiley - yikes

smiley - yuk


Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 63


*Turns toaster upside-down and taps it out into an ashtray ... just in case. More powder and springs fall out.*

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 64


Just as well Pan is still smiley - zzz on her couch, otherwise she might mistake that powder for something she could smoke! Still, she would be popular with the smiley - catsmiley - blackcat

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 65


*Jumps into the pool and swims around and under. An anchovy waste oil slick slowly rises to the surface behind her.*

smiley - surfer

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 66


*Blows anchovy crumb dust and tumbleweed off the unusually quiet bar* smiley - erm

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 67


*Gets out of the pool and finds herself all alone in the alley. Calls out for anybody.. but hears only echoes from the murals. Goes back into the Pub and sees Kes sitting by himself drawing in the dust on the bar with his finger. The two cats are by his feet. Tucks the coverlet around Pandora's bare feet while she still slumbers on the Blue Goo Couch.

Sits in her rocker by the fireplace and picks up her knitting.*

Just you and I, Kes?

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 68


* A light breeze blows through the pub and lifts a scrap of paper off the bar. It flutters to the floor in front of Kes and Mari-Rae*

'Message from JulesK. Have been a bit busy to get to the CP, have two new kittens at home and they're pulling me more into RL and away from hootoo. See you soon. Julessmiley - smiley'

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 69


*enters from the Ladies*

What was on my pizza?

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 70


Toasted anchovies! smiley - ok

*Waves to Jules* take good care of the smiley - catsmiley - blackcat!

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 71


*Goes into the kitchen behind the bar and makes a pot of smiley - tea*

Hi everyone!

*Sits on green beanbag*

Have got a few minutes now that it's calmer round here. I got two kittens from a shelter on Tuesday and they've finally decided to settle in and not bounce off the walls whenever I go near them. Have got to keep them in the house until they've had their second jabs, plus a bit longer, so it's been a case of making sure doors and windows are closed - and it's so hot and humid this week! I don't have any windows high enough to leave open so have just had them all locked on the catch, which lets a tiny bit of air through. Phew! I'll be glad when they can go outside.

They are so gorgeous though!

Julessmiley - smiley

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 72


A house is not a home without cats...there are three here, Chance, Lily, and Cisco.

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 73


*Picks up her broomstick and whisks the Pub into the new month...* http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F52920?thread=456455&post=5646951#p5646951 ;-)

Crossed Purposes - July 2004

Post 74


We haven't made such a mess this month, not even a food fight!

*takes out her pda, selects the remote control icon and Pan's blue goo couch begins to drift toewards the new thread*

Oops mari-rae has left her zimmer frame behind...

*puts it on the couch as it floats past*

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