The Zombie

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If a human is bitten by a zombie then a virus called 'solanum' gets into their system through the zombies saliva, the virus travels through the blood to the brain where it uses the frontal lobe of the brain to reproduce. Depending on where the bite was sutained, the human will eventually die within 24 hrs. A few hours later he will reanimate as a zombie. As solanum is a virus, anti-biotics will have no affect on it. The viurus morphs the human brain into an entirely new organ. This new brain has no need for oxygen. There for the complicated blood system that transports oxygen around a human isn't needed. The heart, lungs, and all major vital organs are not needed by the zombie to survive, and they cannot bleed to death. So shooting it in anywhere but the head will not kill it. The only organ a zombie needs is its brain, destroy that and you kill the zombie. Zombies do not require food either, why they lust for human flesh is a mystery. So they cannot starve. Zombies have failed lab test set at rodent level, they have about the same intelligence as a basic insect. There one goal is to eat us, nothing else, they will wonder the earth on and on untill they spot prey, then there arms will raise and they will moan (while not neccesary the lungs can still take in air and release it as a sound). The zombie will then track the human untill they are kill3ed, they eat the human, or they lose the human. Imagine them like a computer programed to do one thing only. It cannot do anything else or be tampered or re-programed, only destroyed. Zombies walk (at the very fastest) one step evry 1.5 seconds. The fastest zombie has an agility level 90% lower than any human. They will eat all life if no humans are avaliable, but only as a last resort and preferably living fresh meat. Anything older than a day or two is rejected as food. Zombies do not need flesh to survive but they will keep eating untill theit digestive tracks explode. Zombies will eventually rot away, but as normal bacteria involved in human decomposition avoid the virus solanum at all costs, only certain bateria will eat them so a zombie can last for aroun five years. All animals avoid zombies at all costs as they have an instinctive fear of solanum. Any living entity other than a human is killed by a zombies bite and humans who eat infected flesh or intake the virus through the mouth will also be killed as the virus makes it highly toxic, any intake of solanum other than a bite will result in death. Luckily zombies blood always conjeals and goes solid, if not it would splatter on us when we killed them and infect any open wounds. Where the virus solanum comes from is unknown and cures, genetic, anti-viral or otherwise are not likely to be found in the near future.

(Information concerning Solanum from 'THE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GUIDE' by Max Brooks)

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