The Rainbow Cottage

4 Conversations

Hi everybody!

Thanks for your visit. Make yourself comfortable in my beloved Rainbow Cottage, which is settled in the beautiful Village de la Vavoom in 1, Magnolia Lane.

There are several shops in the village; if you like to have a splendid cup of tea, then go to Mari-Rae's Tea Shoppe or visit Quaint Caress Beauty Shoppe running by Saint Galaxy Babe.

We also have a church, some stores and a library. Soon there will be an opening of The Crossed Purposes Pub.

You like to be active? Then take a golf course at The Grange House or go for a swim - you can choose between a pool or the fantastic Lake. Fishing is possible in The River Vavoom, which is running through the middle of our village.

Nearby there are other residents: Mari-Rae at Someday Cottage, Coelacanth at Riverside Cottage, Saint Galaxy Babe at Honeysuckle Cottage.

The Cottage

Isn't the Rainbow Cottage just nice? Thanks to Mari-Rae you can view it. I love the English countryside, it seems for me so peaceful, so calm...

Would you like to have some tea or coffee? There are always varieties of them.

And of course my homemade apple cake; I suggest to delight it warm, with a delicious vanilla sauce - the Austrian way - they call it 'Apfelstrudel'. Mmhmm, it's yummy!

Just tell your wishes to Mathilda, my maid. Mathilda is in her 50s, running my place here. As I'm terribly lazy, she is just a relief, you know.

Well, I just moved in, so please be patient with the surroundings.

The Verandah

As you can see, at the back side (the garden side) of Rainbow Cottage there is a verandah, overgroved with beautiful flowers and bushes.

A peaceful place, with some very convenient sofas, club chairs and one recamier, all in an Art Deco style. All over there are small tables and wall lanterns, which gives a very nice eye-friendly light.

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CoelacanthAmy The Ant

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