A Conversation for Brown Sauce

Peer Review: A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 1


Entry: Brown Sauce - in progress - A39774685
Author: FordsTowel - U227087

I was reading an older entry, on the Great English Breakfast (A103177), and noticed that the link was broken to 'Brown Sauce'.smiley - doh

Here is my attempt to fill that gap in the guide.

As always, I'm very open to constructive criticism to improve the entry, but I really need help tweaking the recipe. The intent is to emulate the HP Brown Sauce. smiley - ok

smiley - towel

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 2


HP is no longer British so a bit of history would not come amiss. The fight to preserve it in the UK failed and it has gone to Holland I believe, and somewhere else too, I seem to remember.

Websailor smiley - dragon

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ah, so that's what this mysterious "brown sauce" is. Can't help you optimise, never having tried it. smiley - laugh

But I can nitpick smiley - whistle you have a "one tablespoons" and a few -ize forms in there. smiley - geek Also, why the switch to written numbers rather than digits at the end of the ingredients list?

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 4


Yes, the old HP (still controversial whether this is the inventor's initials or stands for House of Parliament) has been outsourced. smiley - erm

All the more reason why I'd like to offer a home-brewed substitute and move away from dwelling on any original product. (Not like it was the only one, in any case).

As to why the mixup on the numbering? Bob only knows!

I'll fix it! smiley - ok

smiley - towel

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 5

McKay The Disorganised

I'm no good on recipes - especially when I don't like the end product. smiley - yuk

But I couldn't see any problems.

smiley - cider

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 6

Icy North

I think the HP story would stand alone as a separate entry (I have a ton of stuff on it and it was on my longlist of entries to write some day). The brand changes hands every few years - Danone and Heinz have owned it in recent times. The recent kerfuffle was when Heinz closed the Aston factory and shifted production to Holland.

This one is fine as a recipe entry. It's odd that your substitute sauce doesn't use tamarind, which gives it its distinctive flavour.


For the history of brown sauce, the OED first records it in John Nott's "The cook's and confectioner's dictionary" (1723):

"To make brown Sauce. Toss up Cives, Parsley, Capers and Anchovies in a Sauce-pan, [etc.]."

Literary reference? In Charles Dickens' Hard Times (1854), Mrs Sparsit's favourite supper was sweetbread in a savoury brown sauce. (The quote's out there on the Web)

smiley - cheers Icy

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 7


I found your units confusing - what is a "C", or a "Lb"? Perhaps metric would be safer.

Otherwise excellent smiley - ok

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

And what is tspoon? T like in teaspoon, or T like in tablespoon?

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 9

Malabarista - now with added pony

T is a T-shirt. As much as a men's size M v-neck heather grey t-shirt can absorb. smiley - tongueincheek

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 10


Thanks all!

For the moment, I've standardised the measuremennts. I may yet convert them to metric, but that's another pass.

I think that I also covered all the other suggestions, and the recipe has change a bit in the bargain!smiley - doh

I, too, see Tamarind as an important ingredient, and I've adjusted others to make room for other additions.

As always, I love to hear how I'm doing!smiley - ok

smiley - towel

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 11

Icy North

Looks good to me smiley - ok

You've inspired me to write The HP Sauce Story (I'll link to this of course)

smiley - cheers Icy

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 12

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

'For the moment, I've standardised the measuremennts. I may yet convert them to metric, but that's another pass'.

What most of us in this situation have been doing is giving both units i.e imperial then metric in brackets immediately after (or vice versa) smiley - ok

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 13


Hey, IcyNorth, that would be GREAT!smiley - ok

The trickiest part may be deciding whether or not to take sides on the 'What does HP stand for?' question!smiley - doh

smiley - towel

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 14

Icy North

Well, it's there now, so judge for yourself... A40148606smiley - smiley

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 15


Icy North:

Quite Nice! A great addition to the history of 'English Cuisine'!smiley - ok

Such a pity that the workers were not able to purchase the business for themselves to run. smiley - erm

Gee, this is going to create a dilemma?!smiley - doh I wrote the Brown Sauce entry to supplement the English breakfast entry; but, now, this one may do that just as well or better!!

I'm not putting any money down on THIS one!smiley - wow

smiley - towel

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 16

Icy North

The two are completely exclusive, as far as I'm concerned. I only wrote about the unusual story of that particular brand, but this entry on how to make your own is great. smiley - smiley

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 17


Thanks Icy North!smiley - ok

Yes, they are quite different, and both could end up in the E.G.; but which do you think would be a better link in the English Breakfast entry? That is my question. smiley - biggrin

smiley - towel

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 18

aka Bel - A87832164

I don't know that entry, but if it's about breakfast, I'd say your entry is the better choice, being a recipe.

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 19

Icy North

I'd link 'brown sauce' to this and 'HP sauce' to the other one. Whichever, maybe we can ask them to link to the other one via the section...

A39774685 - Brown Sauce - in progress

Post 20


Sounds like a great plan!

Thanks for all the thought you've both put into this!smiley - ok

smiley - towel

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