Gallery 42: The H2G2 Members' Art Gallery

3 Conversations

Terrorized by Mother of God

'Terrorized' by Mother of God

There is no denying that there is a considerable amount of talent, here on h2g2!

Between those who write thoughtful and reasoned articles, those responsible for keeping us abreast of news and events, the editors of The Post, to the members of the Poetry Guild, and everyone in between, h2g2ers are an incredible group of people. It comes as no surprise that, with so many people, from so many backgrounds, and so many different generations, artistic talent is not in short supply.

What is surprising is that many of the artists amongst us rarely reveal their talents.

At the suggestion of Alfredo I began what I hope will turn into a popular venue for the visual artists, here on h2g2, and on Friday, January 28th, 2005, Gallery 42 opened its virtual doors to submissions and visitors.

At this point in time, Gallery 42 consists of a single main gallery, with 34 works, representing 13 artists; with an eye to expanding with smaller galleries representing different media, and special exhibit galleries for one-person shows and the like.

Artists can contribute several works (up to 5, currently) in any medium and any genre. Unlike some galleries, Gallery 42 does not intend to take a highbrow, elitist attitude to works. Anyone is free to contribute works that they feel they would like to share with others, and these can be anything from watercolours to craft items or handicrafts. If you made it, we'll post it. The only stipulation is that they be the work of the artist, conform to copyright law, and that pornographic or offensive material not be submitted (a panel will be called in to make a decision, should there be a question regarding works).

Information and Links

  • To visit the gallery:Mudhooks Gallery
  • To contribute to the gallery, send an email with the image file to: [email protected]. Files can be any size, but the bigger the better. Gmail can store 1 gig of files, so don't be timid when emailing them to me.
  • Contributions should include your name - h2g2 screen-name, the title and medium of the work, and a blurb about your work.
Cia by clzoomer

'Cia' by clzoomer

We hope the gallery continues to grow and becomes a vital extension to the world of h2g2.


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