A Conversation for Is there no escape from -isms? When will we be free then?


Post 1

Anarchist Queen, leader of the Revolutionary Faction of Red Wiccans Tendency

socialists don't aim to destroy individualism- we like it actually. we only want to get rid of inequality. is that to bad???? why does everyone think we want to make them wear grey clothes all the time or something???
you can be anything you like except rich!


Post 2


i didn't say socialism is aiming to destroy individualism. i said denying individualism is a way of creating socialism. not a good one, btw... smiley - winkeye it's not a matter of will but of natural cause and effect. once you deny the idea of everyone being special, you create a society where everyone is the same, and that's a form of socialism, it's as simple as that. does that make more sense to you?

smiley - smiley


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