A Conversation for Nurses: How to be a good one; How to know yours is a good one.
Another good Quality of nurses
Sham69 Started conversation Sep 30, 2000
Another thing all good nurses should do is make you well, although it can be argued that this is the doctors' job.
Another good Quality of nurses
fartyboredfast Posted Jan 11, 2001
The nurses code of conduct tells us, nurses, to act with no malifecence and act with benifecence. It doesn't state wether we should make people better or not ......only do no harm in other words make them no worse.
Another good Quality of nurses
meniscus Posted Jan 17, 2003
I disagree entirely. I feel that nurses are there at the bedside,we see the patient for a 12 hour shift,the doctor for 5 minutes...
Sure, they write the orders,but if they don't work or are just plain wrong,then it is the nurse's job to intervene.
We are the patient's advocate.
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Another good Quality of nurses
More Conversations for Nurses: How to be a good one; How to know yours is a good one.
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