Necessary Travel accessories in Rome

1 Conversation

One of the most important but still hardly recocnized things you would need for some peaceful and recreational days in Rome is actually an umbrella.

The typical situation would be for example you sitting in a street cafe, looking at a beautiful piazza and trying to make plans for yourself and that very attractive person situated next to you how to spend the better part of the night. Since even the weather in Rome isn't any longer what it used to be in all those movies it is not impossible that in this special moment the sun is deciding to join all those italian teachers, railway workers and politicians and is therefore going on strike. And with the first raindrop hitting that beautiful piazza your very romantic approaches will be get disturbed by some unsolicited offers. What happens is that out of nothing there about 5000 guys trying to sell umbrellas (quite expensive ones, at least regarding the price these guys are demanding) to harmless tourists. And even if you have neglected the 25th offer to buy one of those and all the 5000 guys saw that, all of them will nevertheless come to your table and ask you something like "umbrella, umbrella, umbrella…". The main result of this is that you will turn rather angry and soon will find some nasty words, which definitively will destroy the so far positive impression you made on that very attractive person next to you.
The solution to prevent such a disaster is to have an umbrella on your own with you and to display this special device very obviously. This is having some cloaking effect to those umbrella salesmen, actually in their eyes you have turned into thin air (potentially dangerous should those guys drive a car on the very street you are about to cross).

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