A Conversation for Karma in Buddhism

Peer Review: A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 1

Existential Elevator

Entry: Karma in Buddhism - A3177407
Author: Existential Elevator (ACE) [Master Womarg] ~ ...dream on... - U195643

Entry: Karma in Buddhism A3177407
Author: Existential Elevator U195643

Just a quick guide to how karma works in Buddhism, intended for curious non-Buddhists smiley - smiley

Enjoy, comments much appreciated
smiley - blacksheep

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi EE,

I am afraid I am going to have to be a bit rude and comment and smiley - runsmiley - winkeye I have only had a quick look at the entry but promise to read it properly later when I have better Karma after a few smiley - teasmiley - laugh

So I will keep my comments to style rather than content until I have read it and digested it fully.smiley - ok

We don't use "" in EG's - we use single quotes ' instead.

I think it would be great if you could stick in some headers. Perhaps Types of Karma, The Wider Implications of Karma, The Weight of Karma - just suggestions after a quick skim of the entry.

I see you have linked to the mindfulness entry which I love and live my life by smiley - zen
Some other entries along the same lines are:
A1045784 Tonglen - a Buddhist Technique
A649217 - The Loving Kindness Meditation - How to Pray for Peace
A2163205 Siddhartha - The Man Who Became Buddha
A930179 Relaxation Techniques
A2181575 Tips on Anger Management
A769755 Yoga Nidra - Mind Travel Round the Body

Most are all about relaxation and dealing with 'bad vibes' but you may be able to use a couple of them.

But I think we have the start of a fine entry here.

Be back later!


A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 3

Existential Elevator

smiley - ta very muchly Mort!

I've sorted out the quote marks and put in a few subheaders smiley - smiley
I haven't added in any other EG links because can't think of a way to slip them in at the moment smiley - huh Maybe I should put a "further information" bit at the bottom?

smiley - ta again

smiley - zen

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 4

Researcher 825122

Black is white, white is black. I just don't think we see life in the same way. The Faust of Goethe states this too. What may seem wrong in actual fact may be right, the one who is actively trying to do good may cause harm.

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 5

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Interesting choice of subject.smiley - ok

I'd have liked to see the role of intentions emphasised in particular contradistinction to the Hindu conception of karma, in which what determines karmic consequences is the action itself, rather than the intention. An Entry entitled 'Karma in Buddhism' seems to have an implied contrast with Hindu karma that isn't brought out here.

I'd also have liked to see more explicit references to related Buddhist ideas, especially Dukkha; you've made it clear enough how the three fires lead to suffering/unsatisfactoriness, but someone might assume that the converse involved actions resulting in Sukkha/pleasure. I'm not asking for a full essay on the three signs of being, but perhaps it should be made clearer that seeking Sukkha results in Dukkha.

Perhaps there could be just a bit about the notion of collective karma. (When I was studying Buddhism, around the time of Sept. 11th, I recall being at a talk at which there was quite a lot of discussion about the role of U.S. foreign policy as a cause.)

Otherwise, good stuff.smiley - smiley

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Very interesting. The only criticism I have is the use of the header at the beginning. It seems superfluous.

You can sidestep the problem of working links into the Entry by adding them between tags, which you would nest between the and tags. The links will then appear in the margin.

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 7

Existential Elevator

RFJS - I'm afraid I have an extremely limited knowledge of Hindu karmic law. I was rather hoping to aim this at people with little or no religious knowledge at all...
I'll see what revisions you've suggested that I might be able to make at the weekend
Thanks smiley - ok

Jaohn- again, thanks smiley - smiley I'll have a play with formatting at the weekend smiley - smiley

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 8


In reference to the second sentence after the "Wider Implications of Karma" heading:

'Karma may easily be looked at from this point without applying any for of religious belief.'

It's taken me a good ten minutes of staring to work out why that sentence wasn't making any sense to me. I was originally assuming there was a word missing, or in the wrong order or something, but eventually the penny dropped: A single 'm' is missing, I believe, from the word 'for'.

I can't believe that took me so long...

Smallpoint, I know, but I wanted to comment on your article but didn't want to drop down something silly like "yeah, great!smiley - ok" when I don't even really know anything about it. So I'm glad I noticed such a tiny little thing smiley - biggrin

Other than that, well done, and very well written, A*!

TK[1]smiley - pirate

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 9

Existential Elevator

Thankyou very much for picking that out, me and my stupid typing errors..smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 10


Hey, it took me a while, and I didn't find any others. Gotta be a record for you smiley - winkeye

TK[1]smiley - pirate

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 11

Researcher 825122

Try reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead ... if you don't get lost in limbo, you'll surely get lost in the book ... smiley - biggrin

A3177407 - Karma in Buddhism

Post 12

Existential Elevator

smiley - laugh

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Post 13

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Post 14

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - bubbly Congratulataions!!!

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Post 15


Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!smiley - magicsmiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - smooch

TK[1]smiley - pirate

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Post 16

Existential Elevator

smiley - wow
smiley - ta

*dances round in a small circle whooping and juggling poodles*

smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblysmiley - smooch

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Post 17


Wow, I can't even juggle balls.

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 18

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Wow EE, I didn't realise this was your first solo entry - extra special well done smiley - ok

I told you I liked it! smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 19

Existential Elevator

Are you my scout? smiley - bigeyes

I know, I've been here for so long but haven't managed a solo entry... Feel it's time I started paying my dues smiley - winkeyesmiley - ok

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 20

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I confess'twas me!! smiley - winkeye

Trouble is that once the writing bug bites then it is hard to stop - I have several 'nearly finished' entries that I can't seem to get round to finishing before I start another one smiley - laugh

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