once apon a time a japanese ship full of rubber ducks and owned by a human bieng suffered mutany, the captain was forced to sink his ship because he felt like it, this caused one duck to die and the rest of the ducks went into a mad rage and wanted to take over the world, yes some just went to papae new guinie because thats the closest piece of land they could see and some ducks were just lazy, some ducks went to austrailia because those ducks were thick and wanted to see the wizard of oz, (well some wanted to find nemo,why, so they could eat him), they trecked the whole island but all the found was a big rock in the centre, the ducks used this as the worlds biggest duck toilet, some went to chili because they had heard of a land of gold, they arived only to find that the spanish had bet them to it (ages ago, before channel 4) these ducks then decided to give up and sunk themselfs, other ducks got bored and headed up to the artic to playy titanic but ended up in the atlantic they ended up attacking the east coast of the USA, they liked it at first but then they decided that it was only a statue, (that became another duck toilet) now the ducks are attacking cornwall, england (dont know what they expect to find)
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