Stockton, California, USA

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Stockton is California's 12th largest city, with a population near 250,000 people and covering 55.9 square miles of the San Jaoquin Valley. It is located about 80 miles East of San Francisco, and 40 miles south of Sacramento. It is fairly easy to get to (and better yet, leave!) with Interstate 5 running through the West end of town, Highway 99 running through the East end, and Highway 4 connecting the two. If you prefer boats over cars, Stockton is situated on the San Jaoquin Delta1, giving access to over 1000 miles of waterways.

You gotta live somewhere

There is a joke that goes:

"What is the best thing to do in Stockton?"

"Go somewhere else."

Stockton has a reputation of being boring. On the surface, this would seem to be true. However, if you scratch the surface, underneath there lies a "Cool Stockton". Stockton's hipness is something you have to work at getting to. Stockton does not present itself like the hip cities of San Francisco or Amsterdam, which boldly announce things and attitudes you can only wish you had where you live. Rather, Stockton jealously hides its hipness and "cool" from those who only take what is handed to them. To find Cool Stockton one has to dig.

Intersting facts about a boring place

  • The First Memorial in America to the Vietnam War was erected in Stockton, in 1973, before the conflict was even resolved.

  • Stockton hosts the San Francisco 49'ers Summer Training Camp.

  • Stockton was home to Sam Keith, the creator of The Maxx comic series (Ofcourse once he became "too cool" he had to leave...).

  • Another Stocktonian who had to leave for being too cool: Musician Chris Isaac.

Too much of a good thing

Stockton seems to have an aversion to being cool. Everytime an opprotunity for a "good thing" presents itself, Stockton finds a way of messing it up. Not to mention, some of the good things Stockton hasn't fouled up yet are there because something else probably bit the dust.

  • San Francisco 49'ers Training Camp:
    The Cool: The San Francisco 49'ers train at the University of the Pacific's Football stadium during the summer.

    Why: The UOP football team was so terrible, it threatened all of the other university athletic programs. They got rid of football, and therefore had a football stadium noone was using. Incidently, most of the money used to attract the 49'ers to Stockton was put up by local Stockton millionaire, Alex Spanos. Spanos is the owner of the San Diego Chargers, a competing football team.

  • The Haggin Museum's Art Collection:
    The Cool: There is a painting by Paul Gaugin hanging.

    Why: Its probably the worst thing he ever painted, a still life of a bowl of fruit.

The Food

Stockton has great food. Not anything enough to attract world-famous food critics, but if your pallette has not been ruined by an over-abundance of caviar and paté, you should be OK. Stockton's best resturants are not large, not fancy, and locally owned and operated. Below is listed where you will find some of Stockton's best eating.

  • Yoneda
    Japanese Food

    1101 E March Lane Suite #M

    Yoneda is found in the back corner of the shopping center on the corner of March and West Lane. Wonderful food at reasonable prices. The best Miso Soup in town.
    Recomended Dish: Chicken Sesame

  • Manny's

    7925 Thorton Rd.

    Located on the corner of Thorton and Hammer, Manny's is just the place you need to go when your arteries need clogging. Their Chicken is claimed to be prepared by process known as "Broasting" (Broiled + Roasted = "Broasted"). In actuallity their chicken is deep-fried in oil. Be sure to have plenty of napkins handy. They also serve burgers and hotdogs. Manny's is also known for its baked beans, "Broasted" potatoes, and malted milkshakes.
    Recomended Dish: Broasted Chicken

  • Ghinggis Khan Mongolian Barbeque
    Mongolian Barbeque

    2233 Grand Canal Blvd.

    Known to locals simply as "Mongo", Ghinggis Khan is the best
    Mongolian Barbeque to be found. Dinner is all you can eat, and costs less than eight dollars.
    Recomended Dish: They only serve one thing.

  • Chuck's Hamburgers
    Greasy American Fare

    6034 Pacific Ave.

    Chuck's has the best hamburgers in town, if not the world. The prices are more than reasonable, and the portions are huge. If you want to be able to finish even a half-order of fries, you should bring a friend to help. Chuck's also has a wonderful breakfast menu (and its served all day!). Again the portions are huge and cheap.
    Recomended Dish: It's all good. You can't go wrong,

  • Dad's Dogs
    Hot Dogs

    6527 Pacific Ave.

    There is a sign that hangs there that says, "If you only make one thing, it better be good." and they are.
    Recomended Dish: Chili Dog with Cheese and Onions.

1Also known as the "California Delta"

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