A Conversation for How to be Annoying

professionally annoying

Post 21

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

}Page yourself over the intercom. Make sure your voice IS recognizable.{

professionally annoying

Post 22


~fishy grins~

Hi there, thanks for the extra suggestions... I'll add them at some point... smiley - smiley


professionally annoying

Post 23

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

}Greet everyone you meet with "Greetings, Earthman" or "Earthwoman" or "Earth being" or the like.{

professionally annoying

Post 24


I do that all the time but I use Earthling.

Call everyone darling - especially your work superiors.

Sniff. A lot.

While left alone in your friends car with the engine turned off fill the air inlets with chads (the bits you get when you punch the holes in paper), turn the volume on the stereo to full and put the fan on at full blast. None of this is on until the ignition key is turned.

Leave the car and hide behind nearby bush.

professionally annoying

Post 25

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

}Create palindromes when posting things in chat rooms or the like.ekil eht ro smoortahc ni sgniht gnitsop nehw semordnilap etaerC{


professionally annoying

Post 26


Everytime you see someone you barely know, say "You look as beautiful as the day I married you" - if that won't annoy them, nothing will!

professionally annoying

Post 27

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

}When someone asks you to do something, say, "Do you want fries with that?"{

}Anyway, you should rename this one "How to irritate people".{

professionally annoying

Post 28


Say "That was me!" in a loud voice whenever you smell a fart.

professionally irritating

Post 29

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

}And speaking of irritation, Bluebottle, your latest one is *especially* annoying if it's someone of the same gender as you!{
smiley - bigeyes

professionally irritating

Post 30

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

}Oh, and I think that right under the one saying "Inform others that they exist only in your imagination." you should have one saying "Inform others that they exist only in their own imaginations."{

professionally irritating

Post 31

Dizzy H. Muffin

Hi everyone.

I've got two!

"When someone else tries to annoy you, ignore their existence."

The last one should be "E-mail this list to everyone you know."

professionally irritating

Post 32

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)


professionally irritating

Post 33

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)


professionally irritating

Post 34

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

Copy other people.

professionally irritating

Post 35

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

Or when someone says "Repeat after me," you repeat "after me, after me, after me..."

professionally irritating

Post 36

NMcCoy (attempting to standardize my username across the Internet. Formerly known as Twinkle.)

Or keep replying to your own posts smiley - smiley

professionally annoying

Post 37

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

That sounds like the hotel room on the night of my wedding, plus washing up liquid in the kettle and blue ink in the shower head!!

Try the washing up liquid trick some time - the kettle is transformed into a volcano!!

professionally annoying

Post 38

Dizzy H. Muffin

Boom. smiley - fish

professionally annoying

Post 39

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)


professionally annoying

Post 40

Sylvia, pokémon trainer(with her Oddish)(Minister of emerald green, keeper of green magic)

Take everything everyone says to you literally to the extreme.

Insist on doing something yourself, then do it incompetently while another person is watching.

Ask "Why?" after every statement anyone makes.

I can tell you from experience that these work.

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