A Conversation for Bring Back Dangermouse!

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 21


Penfold was gay, wasn't he? Bring back DM!!!

Rob irwin

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 22

njan (afh)

*notices DM petition signing on blur's user page*...yes! I want my name on the petition (assuming it hasn't been sent off already)...

James Lee. smiley - smiley

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 23

Ginger The Feisty

Sign me up. I'm off to buy the videos tomorrow! smiley - smiley

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 24

Researcher 139284

Dangermous rules! sign me up please

Thomas Beale.

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 25

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

Ah, Dangermouse, back in my carefree youth I would watch it on ABC, confused and amused by the fuzzy drawings and largeheaded characters. I want it back!

Scott FP White

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 26

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I signed up months ago - how come I'm not on the list in the main article yet? smiley - sadface

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 27


Danger Mouse rules!

Schmendrik / M. Motal

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 28


This is my first post ever on h2g2, and I am proud that it is for such a great cause as bringing back DM (actually, I was really small when it was aired on Nickolodeon and I don't remember much, but I do know that they need to put quality programming back on television)

Katherine H. Nguyen

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 29

Mike A (snowblind)

I'm equally proud to host your first ever h2g2 post, Mr Dragon smiley - smiley. Have a great time here.
Thanks to everyone for voting too smiley - smiley

Peet - lord knows why I've only just added you. I thought I'd done it ages back. Well, it's been done now. Be proud (he says boastfully *^_^*).

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 30

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Thanks smiley - bigeyes

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 31

Oolon Flux

Please add me to the petition to bring back Danger Mouse! I loved that show, a little like James Bond meets Tom and Jerry! Awesome! I will personally be contacting the Cartoon Network to request this as well!

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 32


I hereby volunteer my name for the most worthy cause of bringing back the illustrious Dangermouse (and friends)....stay lucky.

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 33

The Cow

Bring it back: if only because DM are my initials too...

Dave McKee

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 34



Danger Mouse Petition

Post 35

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ADD MEEeee...Ahem. Yes. I downloaded a load of the sounds off that site ages ago (I presume it's www.dangermouse.org), and use them on my computer. I have loads of episodes tapes off TV, but my favourite one (the one with the temple and the big snooker table) got taped over! It's not available on video, either.
Please add a miserable DM addictsmiley - cry

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 36

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

yey! bring back dangermouse!!!!!! my childhood hero!!!!!!
pllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee add me 2 the petition!!!
luv an-over-excited omylouse smiley - biggrin

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 37

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Hello Omylouse!
Miss Dangermouse...smiley - sadface
Mumdad taped most of them off the TV when I was little, but they managed to wipe my FAVOURITE EPISODE!!smiley - cry

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 38

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

oh sgt mushroom, thats terrible!
i hope u complained loudly!
think urself lucky tho, i dont av ne on video smiley - sadface

luv a very sympathetic omylouse

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 39

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

What, none at all?
How can you live?smiley - erm
You CAN get them, you know.

Danger Mouse Petition

Post 40

Darkwing UK

Please Bring Back Danger Mouse - two videos aren't enough! And reruns on Boomerang are no good if you don't have Sky!

Elaine Lawrence

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