A Conversation for Who Is Bluebottle?

Goon Show fan, eh?

Post 1

Triv, Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds; Maker of Sacred Signposts CotTB; Foxy Manor's Head Butler; ACE (GROOVY!)

Good for you. smiley - smiley

So am I, but then again, it's a little unique on the other side of the pond. I used to walk up to people and say "You chinese think of everything" expecting them to finish the line, and when they didn't I'd just shrug, finish it for them (...I'm not Chinese...then you must've forgotten something) and tell them they weren't cool enough to hang out with.

I only did this to people I didn't like. I love being obscure. smiley - smiley

B'anyway, the name's Triv. Drop on by sometime (http://www.h2g2.com/U145245) and we'll chat a bit.

Goon Show fan, eh?

Post 2


Yep - I am a goon show fan, although my collection is now about 38 episodes - I'm getting there smiley - winkeye.

I think the Goon Show is getting unique to people my age where-ever you are - radio comedy doesn't seem very popular, which is a shame as there is a lot of good stuff out there - not just The Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy smiley - winkeye

So, what are these sacred signposts of yours???? smiley - winkeye

Goon Show fan, eh?

Post 3

Triv, Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds; Maker of Sacred Signposts CotTB; Foxy Manor's Head Butler; ACE (GROOVY!)

I have the honor of being the Maker of Sacred Signposts at the Church of the True Brownie. These signposts point the unenlightened to chocolate heaven. In accordance with this position, I designed the CotTB banners that are (hopefully) sprouting up all over the guide. Got one on my page anyway, and at a friend of mine's. smiley - smiley

Triv, PSoMGR

Goon Show fan, eh?

Post 4


Ah right - I see. smiley - smiley You're probably fed up of me, then, as at the Church of the True Brownie I tend to burn everything down. smiley - winkeye No signposts yet, so you've been lucky...

I'll have to put one on my links page. smiley - smiley

Goon Show fan, eh?

Post 5

Triv, Patron Saint of Merry-Go-Rounds; Maker of Sacred Signposts CotTB; Foxy Manor's Head Butler; ACE (GROOVY!)

<> my little creation, spawned out of boredom at 1am, is catching hold.

I feel loved. smiley - smiley


Goon Show fan, eh?

Post 6


I know what you mean - I felt great when people started using my smiley - ale idea.
Okay, I'll look for it, and put one here. Or you could just give me it's SRC?

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