A Conversation for Peer Review
A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Started conversation Apr 22, 2024
Entry: Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation - A88040063
Author: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor - U1314679
I just remembered that I had finished this months ago and never submitted it... oh well. Here it is then.
A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation
SashaQ - happysad Posted Apr 22, 2024
A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation
SashaQ - happysad Posted Apr 25, 2024
I notice the title needs a tweak to Neoclassical
I think "re-instation" should be "reinstatement"
Very interesting about the design process and production becoming two separate things, leading to separate schools etc.
"instead it was produced what people would buy" - sorry I'm not sure what this is saying - people bought what was made rather than asking for things to be custom-made for them?
"He also established the idea of a monochromatic, white antiquity (as opposed to the reality of colourfully painted temples and statues" - aha - fascinating.
The Sculpture section is apt - shows how history repeats itself.
I like the concluding paragraph
A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted May 23, 2024
A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation
SashaQ - happysad Posted 5 Weeks Ago
A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted 5 Weeks Ago
More changes:
>>To make items even more affordable various materials and craftsmen techniques were cheaply reproduced in mechanised production at a much lower cost.<<
'reproduced in' - change to 'replaced by'
'profane art' = change to 'secular art'
'arts journalism was at the rise' = change to 'arts journalism was on the rise'
'the return of antique ideals' = change to 'the return to classical ideals' ('antique' doesn't mean 'of antiquity')
'history paintings: large canvas, which told a story of some kind.' = change. This sentence doesn't make sense. try 'historical paintings, which featured large canvasses that presented a narrative of some kind.'
layed = laid
'Sculptures in private places remained to be luxury items for rich collectors for a long time.' - change to 'continued to be'
Is it the real life - is it just fantasy?
Change to 'Real Life or Fantasy?
'While Neoclassicism stayed the favoured style at the academies, other artists thrived for more individualism and wanted to get away from the strict conventions. Accurate depictions of an idealized reality were not so important anymore.'
Change to 'While Neoclassicism remained the favoured style at the acadmies, other artists strove for greater individualism, departing from strict conventions. Accurate depictions of an idealised reality were no longer so important.'
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A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation
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