Vanilla Sky

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Vanilla Sky – 2001
The tag line for Vanilla Sky, “LoveHateDreamsLifeWorkPlayFriendshipSex” indicates this film covers a lot of topics, but it takes all of these in a story of confusion and reality that is presented in quite a striking way. David Aames, played by Tom Cruise, is a publisher who’s playboy lifestyle come crashing down around him after a car crash initiated by jealous girlfriend Julie, (Cameron Diaz). A remake by Cameron Crowe of Spanish film, Abre los ojos, Vanilla Sky sticks with a similar story line and the same supporting actress, Penélope Cruz.
This time, set exclusively in NYC, the film is very ‘New York’, from the outset. The opening scenes find cruise driving through a deserted New York, a strangely unsettling sequence in itself, to a Time Square, full of lights and images reflecting from the towers, indicating the pace and leading to the story to follow. From these occasional panoramic shots of NYC to the car crash itself, all this is shot in a very cool composed way that can switch between calm and shocking in a heartbeat.
This is a story that can change and double back on itself just like that, and, if your paying attention, can still make sense, leading to a conclusion that’s both beautiful and unexpected. Also worth a mention is the soundtrack, made up of a eccelctic collection ranging from Paul McCartney to Icelandic band Sigur Ros. It all fits and work with the film. Adding to, rather than distracting from the film.
While this film never gained a massively positive status, It holds a massive appeal to me due to the setting, sound and story, that caught, and held onto my attention, leading to a tense and revealing conclusion, and gave a good ride along the way. 10/10

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