A Conversation for Robben Island

Terrible holidays

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

There is a lot to be said for terrible places for holidays. Some of the most enduring holiday memories I have are of terrible places. Some of the best holidays, on the other hand, I can hardly remember at all. I always make a point of having the least fun possible in my spare time. The most common complaint about good weekends and fabulous holidays is that they do not last long enough.

Oh dear...

Post 2


That's so true, it's scary...you tend to remember bad things that happen to you much clearer than the good things. That's also a touch sad....

Oh dear...

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

What's really sad Snapper, my friend, is how rarely we take a real holiday anymore. As a kid, I remember every year going away somewhere for a week or two. I'ts been ten years or more since we last did anything like that.

We've had some good weekend excursions though. The last was to Pittsburgh USA, to see the great DNA himself!

Still, those seaside hols are hard to beat.

Oh dear...

Post 4


The summer holidays in the UK are too long! The first two weeks its brilliant, the third is all right, week 4 is boring and by the time you`ve reached week 6 or 7 you`re practically on your knees begging to go back to school. Why they don`t split it up and make the other holidays a bit bigger ( so that we also have more than 3 days to do our christmas shopping!) I don`t know. The only reason they were ever this long is that farmers used to want their kids to help with the harvest. A rather outdated reason you would think.

Oh dear...

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

A lot of kids here take summer jobs in the holidays. I have two "working" for me.

Oh dear...

Post 6


A summer job a holiday? Hmph, holiday my eyeball...I've got one of those aformentioned summer jobs working at a kids camp! THEY'RE on holiday. They're the ones having the dandy time, while I have to lock myself in the house every weekend and soak my feet to recover from it... *thoughtful pause* ...though I do recall a holiday I took that had me reeling for days, though....

Oh dear...

Post 7

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

The last real holiday my wife and I had was in New England. Must be about fifteen years ago. Lots of drunk and disordlerly, lobster and oysters. Yum! There was an insane amount of driving around though. While sober, I hasten to add.

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